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File: 970207_aadco_006.txt
Page: 006
Total Pages: 14

CATEGORY: Planning


SUBJECT: Flight Surgeon Mobilization

BACKGROUND: Approximately 38 SAC flight surgeons deployed in
support of Desert Storm, but due to tasking methods, flight
surgeons were frequently deployed from different bases than
the crews they were to support. This resulted in flight
surgeons supporting crews they did not know, and flying
aircraft and mission with which they were not familiar.
Rotations of flying squadrons also left flight surgeons
behind to become familiar with a new group of flyers, while
the squadron had to adjust to a new flight surgeon.

DISCUSSION: Substantial benefits in effectiveness of medical
surveillance and morale have been achieved in TAC by
assigning Squadron Medical Elements (SMEs) directly to the
flying squadron. Previously established trust/rapport
between crew members and the flight surgeon is extremely
beneficial during deployments. Flight surgeons work harder
for "their" crews, and crews have greater confidence in
"their" doe. Flight surgeon familiarity with crews,
aircraft, and mission profiles enhances effectiveness of
medical monitoring and is extremely helpful in human factors
analysis and countermeasure development.

ACTION RECOMMENDED: SAC needs to utilize the SME concept in
both our active duty and reserve component units.


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