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File: 970207_aadco_008.txt
Page: 008
Total Pages: 14

CATEGORY: Planning


SUBJECT: Requirements Deviation

BACKGROUND: A few bioenvironmental engineering personnel
(907XO) deployed were not prepared to handle independent duty
at remote sites. At some locations, such as Diego Garcia,
the 907XO was not effectively utilized because of existing
support from contractor and Navy units already in place.
Given more lead time, deploying personnel were briefed on
potential hazards and had a better idea of what their
involvement should be. Also, 9126 and 907XO requirements
were matched with appropriately skilled personnel.

DISCUSSION: Based on existing resources, some bio-
engineering personnel were under utilized while others were
not well prepared to accomplish their tasks.

ACTION RECOMMENDED: Based on feedback from deployed
personnel, readjustment of AFSCs being deployed must be
considered and the substitution of IDMT type 902XO personnel
for 907XO personnel should be considered, especially at Diego


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