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File: 970207_aadco_011.txt
Page: 011
Total Pages: 14

CATEGORY: Logistics


SUBJECT: Equipment Modernization

 BACKGROUND: Physicians deploying should have ongoing
 training at their home MTFs treating patients utilizing t'ne
 actual prototypes of field equipment prepositioned at the
 contingency sites. This will train physicians so they can
 immediately use field equipment without further training.
 For example, anesthesiologists using field anesthesia
 machines in their home MTF operating rooms would not need to
 become familiar with the equipment in the field before they
 could use it. Many items that might have been needed had
 this conflict continued for any length of time were not
 available. Fracture table, surgical hand table, arterial
 blood gas analyzer, pulse oximeters, spirometers, hematology
 analyzers, pleurovacs are but a few of the items identified
 by the 609th Contingency Hospital's after actions report.

 DISCUSSION: Members of the medical staff felt that the items
 above were essential to providing the level of care
 commensurate with their expertise and expected mission.


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