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File: 970207_aadcr_002.txt
Page: 002
Total Pages: 15

                        MEDICAL AFTER ACTION REPORT

       1. Reference: AFR 160-25, Medical Record Planning & Training
                            AFR 28-4, USAF Mobility Planning
                            AFRES 23-15, Medical Services Squadrons
                            AFRES 28-1, War Planning                         

       2. Concept: The mission of the 23rd APSS is to man a 250 bed-
       Aeromedical Staging Facility and provide augmentation to medical
       treatment facilities. In support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm,
       the 23rd APSS was activated and received several different taskings
       to either operate or augment tactical aeromedical staging
       facilities in the AOR and medical treatment facilities in both
       EUCOM and CONUS.
      3. Mobilization: The attached table demonstrates the activation
      and deployment of the 23rd APSS personnel, along with three units
      that augmented us together forming the 31st Tactical Aeromedical
      Staging Facility (TASF), stationed at King Fahd International
      Airport in Saudi Arabia. As it shows, the process spanned six
      months and redeployment spanned 4 months.
      4. Deployment:

      a. Appropriate utilization of time during UTA's prior to
      activation enabled us to plan and prepare for the expected
      activation concentrating on assuring all members were prepared
      administratively and personally for deployment. As a result,
      mobility processing occurred with minimal problems. However, the
      coding used in the activation notice made it difficult to ascertain
      the exact location of our deployed location. In addition, this
      notice did not provide our unit with enough information to clearly
      establish the mode of transportation to be utilized to transport us
      to our port of embarkment. Mobility personnel from the 914th TAG
      traveled to Griffiss AFB and provided us with outstanding support
      during the mobilization phase (9 Jan - 12 Jan 91). After contacts
      were made with MAC, 14th AF, 439 MAW and 914th TAG, the decision
      was made for contract buses to be utilized to transport the ten
      members who would be augmenting the 5th ASF. The bus would travel
      to Dover AFB; members would await further transportation. The
      sixty-eight members left on contract buses for Westover AFB on 13
      Jan 91. Due to problems beyond anyone's control including aircraft
      maintenance problems and the start of Operation Desert Storm, both
      groups were delayed enroute. Although both were in the AOR at the
      start of Operation Desert Storm, neither ASF was operational; the
      5th TASF needed to be set up in tents on the flightline in Al
      Jubail and the 31 TASF had to be constructed in the basement of a
      partially completed airline terminal at KFIA.

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