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File: 970207_aadcv_004.txt
Page: 004
Total Pages: 22


         ISSUE: Aeromedical evacuation communications support
         requirements must include both classified and unclassified
         Telefax capability.

         OBSERVATION: Only unclassified Telefax support was available at
         RAF Upper Heyford.

        DISCUSSION: Aeromedical evacuation mission capability is highly
        dependent on communications capability. Aeromedical evacuation
        worldwide communications requirements dictate that we must be on
        the modern edge of technology to be effective. Telefax
        capability allows the transfer of large amounts of data in a
        variety of formats. The Telefax also allows transfer of
        signatures and thus increases the speed of official ,
        correspondence. We had the capability of computer to computer
        data transfer using telephone lines and the Defense Switched
        Network (DSN). We had access to a Telefax machine in our
        facility and at the base communications center. This greatly
        increased our ability to transfer data in a reliable fashion. We
        transmitted/received official correspondence to higher
        headquarters and to CONUS bases. We provided completed DD Forms
        601, Patient Manifests, to the CONUS aeromedical evacuation
        system. However, we did not have access to a classified Telefax
        which would have allowed us to transfer our classified MEDRED-C
        report more timely and without going across the base to the
        communications center.

         IMPACT: Cost unknown. Access to a classified telefax would
         greatly enhance communications requirements at deployed

        RECOMMENDATION: A Telefax which can transmit classified
        information must be included on the Table of Allowances for each
        AECC and AECE UTC.


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