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File: 970207_aadcv_006.txt
Page: 006
Total Pages: 22


        ISSUE: Command and control within aeromedical evacuation
        elements was not understood by all deployed personnel.

        OBSERVATION: OBSERVATION: Personnel were deployed from
        different aeromedical evacuation units to the same site resulting
        in composite units. Senior personnel from various units
        experienced some difficulty understanding the newly established
        chain of command and their roles after deployment.

        DISCUSSION: Groups of personnel were deployed from different
        aeromedical evacuation units. Personnel from each unit attempted
        to maintain unit integrity causing a difficult command and
        control situation. This caused some confusion with respect to
        coordination and counseling of personnel. Personnel frequently
        contacted their home unit commander to attempt to countermand
        instructions given by the deployed AECC/AECE commander. The base
        legal office at RAF Upper Heyford advised the NRAECC Commander
        that the member's unit commander on "G" series orders and the TDY
        location base commander had UCMJ authority. The end result is
        that the designated commanders of activated aeromedical
        evacuation units have no UCMJ or other command authority other
        than moral suasion.

        IMPACT: This would enhance the management capability of the
        command and control structure.

        RECOMMENDATION: Personnel must be briefed that they are being
        deployed to a situation where command and control has been
        established. When AECCs/AECEs are activated it is imperative
        that the Commander of each be designated on a "G" series order to
        establish appropriate UCMJ and other command authority. Finally,
        when unit commanders are activated it is essential that they are
        relieved of command from their home station (to include removal
        from "G" series orders) to avoid confusion during the activation
        period. In this manner each member will have only one unit
        commander after assignment to their deployed location.

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