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File: 970207_aadcv_009.txt
Page: 009
Total Pages: 22



         ISSUE: Not all medical crew UTCs have staffing for required crew
         management activities.

         OBSERVATION: There is a medical crew management package
         associated with C-141 medical crew UTCs; however, there is no
         crew management package for C-130 medical crew UTCs.

        DISCUSSION: There is no standardized tasking for a crew
        management team. The C-141 medical crew UTCs are assigned with
        management personnel to manage required crew support activities.
        This is not true for C-130 medical crew UTCs. For example, 20
        C-141 medical crews were assigned with a planned seven person
        crew management package. Forty C-130 crews were substituted.for
        forty C-141 medical crews. None of these 40 C-130 medical crews
        came with crew management personnel. This caused a shortage in
        crew management personnel at RAF Upper Heyford. When the
        AECC/AECE arrived, we had a difficult time trying to discover the
        names of medical crew members assigned who had reported ahead of
        the AECC element, where they were located, and how they could be
        reached. Even after all personnel were assigned, the number of
        medical crews and related medical kits required more management
        personnel. The only way we were able to function was to task
        medical c-rew members to accomplish crew management activities.
        This base of personnel would have quickly dissipated if they were
        tasked to perform their primary tasking: to fly aeromedical
        evacuation missions.

        IMPACT: (1) Increased training requirements for MSC and 906X0
        personnel. (2) Increased manpower authorizations in C-130 AE

        RECOMMENDATION: Include appropriate medical crew management
        authorizations in medical crew UTC regardless of the aircraft in
        which the medical crews are tasked. In addition, each AECC/AECE
        should have a base level authorization of crew management
        personnel. The crew management personnel that are assigned to a
        medical crew UTC should be absorbed by the AECC/AECE to complete
        the crew management support activity. Training in standardized
        crew management policies and procedures is also required.


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