
and received minor chemical burns from a mustard-type blister agent. A nearby
German-supplied Fuchs chemical warning vehicle, dubbed Fox by the Marines,
detected a "possible nerve/mustard agent" at the same time and transmitted a
warning to the force.   The warnings were taken seriously and both divisions
went to maximum protection MOPP Level 4 and donned chemical protective
gloves and masks.4
   For a time, it seemed that the worst fears of every Marine in the force about
Iraqi chemical weapons were being realized.   As it turned out, however, all
further chemical warning reports during the Marines' ground campaign proved
to be false. The sensitive gear on board the Fox vehicles did detect slight traces
of toxic chemicals, but these may have come from residues from the numerous
burning oil wells.    Another worry had been potentially dangerous levels of
hydrogen sulfide gas from the Umm Gudair Oilfield.   This did not materialize.
Combat engineers found the gas being harmlessly torched off.  In any case, it
took technicians in the vehicles about six hours to accomplish confirmation tests
which served to prolong the suspense.  To add to the problem, at 1116 the U.S.
Army reported a "positive anthrax sample from lab" and "dead sheep" in the
area of King Khalid Military City in the ArCent area of operations.42     Even
though Marines encountered no more active chemical or biological weapons,
there were a series of warnings from the sensitive detecting devices.  Marines
in the attack stayed in their MOPP suits for the next 24 to 72 hours depending
on unit and location.  Thanks to relatively cool temperatures (it was never over
about 70 degrees during the battle), the suffocatingly close garments were
marginally bearable, although their charcoal liners left a black residue on
exposed skin that gave the wearers coal miner visages.

                                              ,,,,-  ,,  ,-----
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The two command~and~ontrol variant light annored vehicles ofLtGen Boomer `5 mobile command
post (tjump CF") are seen on 25 February 1991. These same vehicles were used in a deception
operation earlier at ihe border near Al Manaqish, complete with a major general impostor to
convince the Iraqis an attack woutd come from that corner.

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