106                                   U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

        "Cease  all offensive  operations effective 280500Z       0800C.
        Remain  in current positions and assume defensive posture.
        Wartime rules of engagement remain in effect.  Be prepared to
        resume offensive operations.   Forces are allowed to defend
        themselves. "~~

Although the Gulf conflict was over for most Marines, Regimental Landing
Team 5   continued clearing operations through difficult terrain around Al
Wafrah.  Adopting "low-intensity conflict" tactics, the team's battalions worked
their way through oilfields and tree lines of the Al Wafrah "National Forest."
They engaged in a series of 15 actions through 3 March 1991, but encountered
virtually no resistance.  Supporting the team was Marine Aircraft Group 50
which flew 234 sorties during the period, including 150 close-in fire support
missions. These were the final combat actions of Marines in Operation Desert

                                  The Cost

    The human cost of the Marines' most spectacular victory in two generations
had been 24 killed in action and 92 wounded in action.  Two soldiers of Tiger
Brigade died in action while serving with I MEF.  Five Marine officers, all of
them aviators or flight officers from 3d Marine Aircraft Wing, became prisoners
of war and all were returned to U.S. control after the conflict.  There were 24
non-battle deaths from 1 January through 22 March and 46 non-battle injuries
that required more than one day's hospitalization.
    The force took approximately 22,308 enemy prisoners of war.     On 6 March
Marines handed over the last of the EPWs to ArCent's     800th Military Police


Light armored vehicles of Company D, 3d Light Armored Infantry Battalion, attached to Task
Force Ripper, screen the 1st Marine Division near the Sixth and Seventh Ring Road intersection
in Kuwait City at mid-day on 27 February 1991.

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