114                               U.S. MARINES IN THE PERSIAN GULF, 1990-1991

10.  The air defense of the force will be more fully discussed in a forthcoming
monograph concerning 3d Marine Aircraft Wing in the Persian Gulf.

11.  ComUSMarCent debriefing to CinCUSCentCom, dtd 21Mar91.

12.  Col James D. Majchrzak intvw dtd Jan91. Col. Majchrzak was then senior
I MEF plans officer and head of the Battle Staff Planning Group.

13.   MCRSC,   Statistical Summary of Marine Corps Pretrained Individual
Manpower MobThzationfor Operntion Desert Storm, Final Report dtd 10May91.
An additional 727 individuals received orders but were cancelled by HQMC
prior to report date.

14.  LtCol Mark F. Cancian,  "Marine Corps Reserve Forces in Southwest
Asia," Marine Corps Gazette, Sep91, pp. 35-37.

15.  LtCol Ronald G. Brown, "The 24th Marines in the Persian Gulf, 1991"
(ms, MCHC, Washington, D.C., Sep91).

16.  Quoted in I MEF ComdC, Nov90.

17.  See BGen Paul K. Van Riper, "Observations During Operation Desert
Storm," Marine Corps Gazette, Jun91, pp.54-61, for an analysis of the process.

18.  Col Terrence R. Dake intvw dtd 28Nov91, hereafter Dake intw. Col Dake
was Asst C/S G-3 Operations, 3d MAW.

19.  Col Robert G. Hill intvws dtd 30Nov90 and 11Jul91. Also Col Charles J.
Quilter, "Communications in I MEF, Dec90," (ms, MCHC, Washington, D.C.,

20.  CG 1st FSSG ltr to CG I MEF (G-4 Supply), Subj: 1st FSSG Statistical
Data from Op Desert Shield and Desert Storm as Requested by the GAO, dtd
13May91 (I MEF files, MCB Camp Pendleton, California). Also information
supplied by I MEF G-4 Supply Officer, LtCol T. M. Taylor, 16May91.

21.  USCentCom and Joint Forces Theater of Operations, Combined Operation
Desert Storm (Combined OPlan), dtd 17Jan91.

22.  1 MEF (G-2 and Battle Staff Planning Group), briefing chart for CMC
brief, dtd 23Dec90.

23.  HQMC, Waifighting, FMFM 1 (Washington, 6Mar89), p. 28.

24.  Ibid, p. 29.

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