said RADM Raynor A. K. Taylor, USN, Middle         coalition divers and minesweeping forces had
East Force commander aboard LASALLE.               located and destroyed 553 of Iraqis ~[,000-plus
�here are lots of them out there."    Further      mines.
complicating the minesweeping operation was
the huge oil slick Iraqi forces spilled into the   AMPHIBIOUS OPERA~ONS. During the
Gulf, hampering mine-sighting efforts and          early days of DESERT SHIELD, a powerful
complicating the work of EOD divers. By mid-       18,000-man amphibious task force steamed
March, more than 220 mines had been de-            into the North Arabian Sea to add an impor-
stroyed by the coalition force.                    tant element to the allied arsenal. Within less
                                                   than a month after the Iraqi invasion of Ku-
      Or~27February,AVENGER,theNavy's              wait, more than 20 amphibious ships from
newest mine countermeasures ship, detected,        Norfolk, Uttle Creek, and ~an Diego had com-
dassified and marked a bottom-influence mine       pleted the 10,000-mile trip to the Gulf of Oman,
similar to the two that rocked PRINCETON           where nearly 8,000 Marines and 10,000 sailors
nine days earlier.  Divers from EOD Mobile         commenced full-scale preparations to "hit the
Unit 6 placed neutralizing charges and deto-       beach" to eject Iraq's army from Kuwait.
nated the mine - the first bottom influence
mineever found intact during combat. During             The task force, with Marines from the
the week of 18 April, using her mine-hunting       4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) and
sonar and remote-controlled mine neutraliza-       ~3th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) em-
tion vehide,~AVENGER located- and destroyed        barked, included air, land and sea assets tailor-
five additional bottom-influence mines.            made for coastal assault - Harrier attack jets
                                                   and assault helicopters to provide air cover for
      As of 14 March, the day Sheikh Jaber         infantry, and armor that would hit the beach
Ahmad al-S~~ah, Kuwait's Emir, returned to         aboard high-speed air-cushion landing craft
his home after a seven-month exile, more than      (LCAC). The Task Force, quickly forged from
70 U.S. ships remained on station. Mine dear-      several amphibious ready groups (ARGs), rep-
ing and maritime intercepts continued, with        resented the largest amphibious assault force
USSBIDDLE(CG34)completingthecoalition's            assembled in more than 30 years. It was also
1,000th boarding of a merchant vessel since the    represented fastest deployment of an amphibi-
operation began in early August.                   ous force of this magnitude. Load-out and
                                                   departure were completed within 11 days.
      Battle damage repair crews from USS
JASON (AR 8) completed six month's work in              During the transit and following ar-
30 days to enable TRIPOU to return to the          rival, `,gator" Navy sailors and fleet Marines
northern Gulf in the first week of April to        underwent constant chemical weapons de-
relieve NEWT ORLEANS as flagship for on-           fense, cultural and intelligence training, just
* going allied mine-dearing operations. Twenty-    like their counterparts ashore. They also com-
one minesw~~ping ships from six coalition          pleted demanding shipboard drills and am-
countries continued to scour the Kuwait-coast-     phibious assault training on-coalition beaches.
line and northern Persian Gulf for mines. By       That training grew more intense as the am-
April 11, the day the U.N. Security Council        phibious forces performed high-visibility ex-
declared the end of the Persian Gulf war fol-      ercises off the coast of Saudi Arabia to heighten
lowing Iraq's acceptance of cease-fire terms,      the enemy wariness of an invasion from the


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