2 Aug        Iraq Invades Kuwait-Six U.S. Navy Middle East Force ships in Persian Gulf
                   (continuous Middle East Force presence since 1949).
             USS INDEPENDENCE Carrier Battle Group is in Indian Ocean and US~
                   DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER Carrier Battle Group is in the Mediterranean.

4 Aug        USS INDEPENDENCE Carrier Battle Group en route North Arabian Sea.

5 Aug        Operation SHARP EDGE. noncombatant evacuation operatlon~ authorized by
                   State Department to remove U.S. citizens caught in civil war in Liberia.
                   USS SAIPAN (~A-2), USS PONCE (LPD-15), USS SUMmR (1ST-
                   1188), USS PETERSON (DD-969), off Liberia inserts USMC reinforced
                   rifle company into U.S. Embassy compound in Monrovia for increased secu-

6 Aug        SECDEF travels to Saudi Arabia to discuss request for assistance and deployment
                   of U.S. forces in country. SECDEF then travels to Egypt and gets
                   permission to send U.S. warships through Suez Canal.

7 Aug        USS INDEPENDENCE Carrier Battle Group arrives in the Gulf of-Oman.
             USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER Carrier Battle Group transits Suez Canal en-
                   route Red Sea.
             USS SARATOGA Carrier Battle Group and battleship USS WISCONSIN depart
                   East coast ports on scheduled deployment.

8 Aug        The President of the United States orders U.S. Armed Forces to Saudi Arabia.
             The first elements of the 82nd Airborne Division arrive in Saudi Arabia.
10Aug        F-16's from Shaw AFB and C-130's from Pope AFB begin~arriving in Saudi Arabia.
             Hospital ships USNS MERCY and USNS COMFORT activated and prepare to

12 Aug       F-15E's deploy to area.
             Army's 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade arrives in Middle East.
             Department of Defense deploys the DoD National media pool and regional pools of
                   reporters currently in the Persian Gulf to cover deployment of U.S. forces.

13 Aug       ~W!SCONSIN transits Strait of Gibraltar en route Persian Gulf.
             4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB), embarked on 13 amphibious ships,
                   departs East Coast ports.
             USS BLUE RIDGE, command ship for Commander, SEVENTh Fleet, en route
                   Persian Gulf.


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