24 Aug       USS WISCONSIN transits Strait of Hormuz into Persian Gulf.

 25 Aug       F-ill aircraft announced to be deploying to Saudi Arabia.

 26 Aug       United Nations Security Council votes, without dissension, to allow use of military
                    force to uphold trade embargo on Iraq.
              Commander-in-Chief, United States Central Command, General H. Norman
                    Schwarzkopf, establishes his command headquarters in Saudi Arabia.
              Department of Defense national media pool is officially disbanded due to decision
                    by the government of Saudi Arabia to allow reporters from the U.S. and
                    other countries to cover the military operation in the gulf region.

 27 Aug       The first two Fast Sealift Cargo Ships, ALTAR and CAPELIA, arrive in Saudi
                    Arabia carrying components of the 24th (Mechanized) Infantry Division.
 28 Aug       Department of Defense announces that there have been about !t70 intercepts since
                    maritime intercept operations began.
              USS SAMPSON (DDG 10) diverts freighter in the N. Arabian Sea.

 29 Aug       Three minesweepers and Mine Counter Measures Ship USS AVENGER, loaded on
                    board Super Servant III, depart Norfolk en route the Persian Gulf area.
                    Two of the ships are Naval Reserve ships - USS ADROIT and USS
              Operation SHARP EDGE, the noncombat evacuation operation being conducted
                    off the coast of Liberia by the USS WHIDBEY ISLAND and the USS
                    BARNSTABLE COUNTY, continues as 76 more people, including 6
                    Americans, are evacuated from Liberia.

 30 Aug       Department of Defense announces that there have been about 250 intercepts and
                    about 4 boardings since maritime intercept operations began.
              Hospital Ship USNS COMFORT transits Suez Canal.
              USS JOHN F. KENNEDY Carrier Battle Group transits Strait of Gibraltar en-
                    route Mediterranean Sea.
              Operation SHARP EDGE continues as 15 more people are evacuated from Liberia.

- 31 Aug      USS BIDDLE (CG -34) intercepted and boarded the Iraqi merchant vessel Al
                    Karamah. The tanker was the first Iraqi ship to be boarded since the
                    intercept operations began on 16 August. The tanker was empty and allowed
                    to continue to Aqaba, Jordan.
              MARG 3-90, consisting of USS INCHON, USS NASHVILLE, USS FMRFAX
                    COUNTY and USS~NEWPORT, with the 26th MEU embarked, arrive Rota
                    en route Mediterranean Sea.
              Navy's Fleet Hospital Five announced to be deploying to the Mi-ddle East.


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