8 Nov        Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney announced that in addition to the 230.000 forces in
                   the Persian Gulf region. more heavy divisions. Marines and ships will be headed
                   for the Persian Gulf. Navy elements to be sent include: three aircraft carriers
                   with appropriate escorts; one battleship, USS Missouri (BB-63); Amphibious
                   Group Three, San Diego California; and Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squad-
                   ron 1, Norfolk, Virginia.

13 Nov       USS MISSOURI (BB-63) deploys for Persian Gulf region from Long Beach.

14 Nov       Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney authorized activation of 72,500 more military
                   reservists, taking the first step toward fulfilling President Bush's decision to
                   deploy up to 200,000 additional troops in the Middle East. The Navy's authori-
                   zation ceiling was raised from 6300 to 10,000.

15-21 Nov    Joint Combined exercise IMMINENT THUNDER conducted inside Saudi Arabia,
                   including amphibious exercises in the eastern province, air to air and close air
                   support exercises and ground force training. The exercise included 16 ships,
                   1000 marines and 1100 aircraft.
             Authorization approved to extend Reserve call-up from 90 to 180 days.
             SECNAV announces call-up of 30 Naval Reserve units from 13 states and the District
                   of Columbia.

22 Nov       USS BIDDLE (CG-34) diverts a freighter in the N. Red Sea.

26 Nov       Operation SHARP EDGE continues, with a total of 2430 evacuations, induding 225
                   U.S. citizens.
             Department of Defense announces 3800 merchant ships have been challenged, 450
                   ships boarded, 16 ships diverted since maritime intercept operations began.
             USS PHILIPPINE SEA (CG-58), USS THOMAS C. HART (FF-1092), and two
                   multinational craft intercept KHAWLA BINT AL ZAWRA in northern Red
                   Sea. The Iraqi-flagged cargo ship refused repeated requests to stop, permitted
                   boarding and search after the PHILIPPINE SEA fired warning shots across the

27 Nov       DOD announces post-Christmas deployment of USS THEODORE
                   ROOSEVELT (CVN-71) and USS AMERICA (CV-66) Carrier Battle
                   Groups with appropriate escorts and embarked airwings.
             KHAWLA BINT AL ZAWRA was cleared to proceed on after boarding team of
                   Navy personnel determined vessel was not carrying prohibited cargo.
             DOD updates numbers of intercepts - 4162; boardings -500; diversions - 19; 85,635
                   Reserves recalled: 5421 Navy, 12,865 USMC.

28 Nov       With OPERATION SHARP EDGE, ceasefire is accepted by opposing factions in

29 Nov       United Nations Security Council a~~roves resolution authorizing use of military
                   force unless Iraq vacates Kuwait by 15 January 1991.
             ~OD announces 1 December deployment of 13-ship Amphibious Group Three,


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