21 Jan (continuing) U.S. ships have conducted nearly 7,000 maritime interceptions operations in
                          regional waters. No direct ground confrontation.
                   U.S. warns Iraq will be held accountable-for mistreatment of U.S. prisoners
                          of war after Iraq announces captured Americans will be placed at
                          strategic target sites as "human shields."
                   6 Iraqi SCUD missiles fired into Saudi Arabia in three attacks over 12 hours.
                          U.S. Patriot missiles intercept two SCUDs, one landed in the sea north-
                          west of Al Jubayl, two others fell into the desert. No injuries.
                   USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN-71) Carrier Battle Group arrives on
                          station in the Persian Gulf region.

22 Jan             DOD announces that over 10,000 sorties have been flown, no U.S. aircraft
                          lost in air-to-air engagements. Oil storage tank fires started by Iraqis
                          in Wafra, Shuaiba and Mina Abdullah, Kuwait having little effect on air
                   USAF special operations forces recovered one crewinember of F-14 downed
                          on 21 January, LT Devon Jones. Second aircrewmember is missing.
                   4 USN A-6s attacked and disabled an Iraqi T-43 class ship--capable of laying 20
                          mine~--in the northern Arabian Gulf. Vessel was seen sinking.
                   U.S. ships attacked 3 Iraqi patrol boats, disabling one, and chasing off two
                          others. 3 additional mines were found and destroyed.
                   Iraqi launches SCUD missile against Israel. U.S. Patriot missile crew had a
                          generator problem, Israeli Defense Forces fired a Patriot missile. SCUD
                          impacted in Tel Aviv killing 3 and wounding nearly 100.
                   U.S. troop strength has increased to 474,000 (Iraqi -545,000) and there are
                          165,797 Reserves/National Guard recalled (13,303 Navy, 22,048 USMC).

23 Jan             At D +7 days, 12,000 sorties have been flown (6,000 attack, 6,000 support).
                          USAF F-16 downed by artillery fire over Kuwait; pilot ejected over
                          Persian Gulf, rescued by Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (Light)-
                          44, Detachment Eight, embarked on USS NICHOLAS, first over-water
                          combat search and rescue. DOD reports 2 noncombat-related aircraft
                          losses: USMC AV-8 in training accident, pilot killed, and USA AH-64
                          in ground mishap, no injuries. 14 total U.S. aircraft lost: 11 fixed wing
                          (9 from hostile ground- fire), 3 helos (non-combat).
                   USN A-6s disable an Al Qaddisiyah-class Iraqi tanker that had been collecting
                          and reporting intelligence data, setting off three explosions, and killing
                          three. A-6s also attacked and sank a Winchester-class hovercraft being
                          re-fueled by the tanker, and a Zhuk patrol boat.
                   SECDEF Dick Cheney and cJCS General Colin Powell assess first week of
                          Operation DESERT STORM: Objectives are being achieved and cam-
                          paign has achieved air superiority over Kuwait and Iraq; have destroyed
                          Iraq's two operating nuclear reactors and is neutra~1izing Iraqi ground
                          radar/air defenses. Air-to-air engagements are no match. Warns Iraq
                          still has significant military capability, may be "hunkering down", expect-
                          ing range of responses including air strikes, more SCUDs, ground
                          attacks or terrorism. Will continue air campaign as part of overall land,


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