25 Jan       DOD announces 17,500 sorties have been flown (a record 2,700 today) and 236
                   TOMAHAWK cruise missiles have been launched. Iraq has lost 43 aircraft,
                   19 in air-to-air engagements, 24 on the ground. The U.S. has lost 10 aircraft
                   to ground fire and the coalition has lost 7 aircraft. including 5 UK Tornados
                   hit by anti-aircraft fire flying low-level missions to crater airfields. The total
                   of 17 aircraft losses represents two-tenths of 1 percent of all combat missions
                   flown to-date.
             U.S. ships engage an Iraqi vessel laying mines near Sea Island Terminal, setting part
                   of terminal and surrounding water afire.
             Iraq has dumped several million barrels of oil into the Arabian Gulf from the Sea
                   Island crude oil tanker loading terminal, off the coast of Kuwait. 3 pre-
                   positioned Iraqi tankers in the occupied Kuwaiti port of Mina al Ahmadi
                   have been drained of oil, and oil is being pumped from storage tanks ashore
                   through an underwater pipeline into the gulf. Described by DOD as "an act
                   of environmental terrorism", the spill is approximately' 20 miles long, 3 miles
                   wide, and three feet deep, and threatens to foul the intakes of Saudi Arabia's
                   desalinization plants as well as the gulf.
             U.S. troop strength in the region has increased to 482,000. To-date, 192,965 Na-
                   tional Guard and Reservists have been recalled to active duty (14,702 Navy,
                   22,142 USMC). Fifteen percent of U.S. servicemembers in the DESERT
                   STORM field of operation are Guard and Reserve.
             Iraq fires 3 SCUD missiles at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. U.S. Patriot missiles success-
                   fully intercept, but warhead debris kills at least one person, 23 injured. In a
                   second attack, 7 SCUDs impact in Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel, killing one
                   person, injuring dozens.
             SECNAV activates 298 additional Naval Reservists from 41 units.

26 Jan       D()D announces 20,000 sorties have been flown as the air campaign's focus shifts
                   from strategic interdiction to battlefield preparation, with targeting on mili-
                   tary storage facilities, military production facilities, Republican Guard troop
                   fortifications and SCUD launchers. Bomb damage assessments confirm
                   significant destruction of Iraqi biological/chemical production capability.
             The Navy has lost an F/A-18 in non-combat operations. The aircrewman ejected
                   over the Persian Gulf and was recovered safely.
             Total of Iraqi aircraft destroyed in air-to-air engagements climbs to 22 as USAF F-
                   15s down 3 Iraqi MIG-23s.
             USN aircraft attack an Iraqi patrol boat in Kuwait harbor. Boat last seen burning.
                   A-6s have engaged and left a TNC-45 patrol boat burning.
             DOD announces that at least a dozen Iraqi MIG-29s/F-1s and a do;en transport
                   aircraft have landed in an undisclosed location in Iran, a declared neutral
                   country. DOD ascertaining whether Iraqi planes are seeking a safe haven
                   from bombing attacks, whether this is a mass defection or a husbanding of re-
                   sources for future combat operations.
             An estimate 1     *lli n all n f i  n in        w int  h      i n     from
                   the Sea Island Terminal, and the oil slick -- partly afire from January 23 en-
                   gagement between USN and Iraqi patrol boat -- is now 31 miles long and 8
                   miles wide. ASD (PA) Pete Williams denounces deliberate spill as "indis-


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