28 Jan             DOD announces more than 24,000 sorties (about 50% attack strikes) have
                         been flown as air campaign focuses on Iraqi command and control,
                         counter-air ops, interdiction, airfields, SCUD sites, Republican Guard
                         fortifications, and battlefield preparation.
                   A Marine AV-8B is downed. The crewman, Captain Michael Berryrnan, is
                         missing, the 15th U.S. crewman.
                   The status of seven U.S. aircrewmen has been redesignated from Missing to
                         Prisoner of War. The seven include Lieutenant Jeffrey N. Zaun,
                         USN; Lieutenant Colonel Clifford M. Acree, and Chief Warrant
                         Officer Guy L. Hunter, USMC.
                   DOD announces that a total of 80 Iraqi aircraft have relocated to Iran. Air-
                         craft ferrying is being characterized as "possible defections" as a con-
                         sequence of air campaign that has achieved air superiority and neu-
                         tralized Iraqi counterattack. Flight operations have been conducted
                         from only 3 of Iraq's 66 airfields, numbering 30 sorties, 25 to Iran.
                         DOD appraisal is that "Iraq is unable to offer any organized air resis-
                         tance." Aircraft will be monitored to assure non-return to conflict.
                         Iraqi aircraft relocate from central and northern Iraq, out of range of
                         U.S. and coalition aircraft to intercept, however four were engaged on
                         January 27 and destroyed by U.S. F-15s.
                   USN A-6s have attacked Iraqi ships at Bubiyan Channel, at the Umm
                         Qasr Naval Base, and in Kuwait harbor.
                   USS SAMUEL B. ROBERTS (FFG-58) diverts the RED SEA ENERGY in
                         the North Red Sea after an inspection team found 160 railroad cars
                         which were inaccessible. The German-flagged freighter, enroute from
                         Greece to Aqaba, Jordan, was diverted to another port. To-date,
                         coalition diversions total 37, 7,020 intercepts and 837 boardings. The
                         U.S. has conducted 490 of these boardings.
                   USMC and coalition aircraft attack an Iraqi~convoy inside Kuwait and de-
                         stroyed 24 tanks, armored personnel carriers and trucks.
                   U.S. ground forces continue to receive sporadic artillery fire along the Ku-
                         waiti border, and have engaged in counter-battery artillery missions.
                   DOD announces oil, estimated to have totalled 460 million gallons, appears
                         to have stopped flowing from the Sea Island Terminal, however, still
                   Iraq launches one SCUD missile at Saudia Arabia. Intercepted by U.S.
                         Patriot missile, south of Riyadh. A second SCUD fired at Tel Aviv,
                         Israel, fell in a West Bank open field without causing injuries.

29 Jan             Over 27,000 sorties have been flown and 256 TOMAHAWK cruise missiles
                         launched as air campaign targeting priorities continue to be command
                         and control, airfields, SCUD locations, lines of communication, Re-
                         publican Guard areas, and battlefield preparation.
                   Naval forces are conducting strike operations, surface surveillance, and
                         combat air patrols. A-6s have attacked and destroyed two Iraqi Silk-
                         worm missile launchers. Naval aircraft again attacked Iraqi ships and
                         port facilities at Um Qasr Naval Base. F/A-18s destroyed control


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