30 Jan             At D +14, DOD categorically summarizes operational status:
                   *Targets -26 leadership targets have been struck with 60 percent severely
                         damaged or destroyed.
                         One third of Iraq's command, control and communications facilities
                         are destroyed or inoperative.
                         Power plants and telecommunications sites have been hit. One
                         fourth of Iraq's electrical generating facilities are inoperative, 50
                         percent adversely affected.
                         Twenty-nine air defense systems have been hit with more than 800
                   *Air-to-air combat -29 Iraqi aircraft destro?ed with no coalition losses.
                   *Airfields - Thirty eight of 44 targeted airfields have been bombed in over
                         1,300 sorties (some multiple strikes). At least nine airfields are in-
                         Over 70 hardened aircraft shelters have been destroyed. Forced
                         Iraqi aircraft to hide in residential areas, moved to roads or flown to
                         Iran. "Everytime an Iraqi airplane takes off the ground, it's runaing
                   *Bridges - Thirty-three of 36 targeted bridges have been bombed in over 790
                         Kuwaiti theater of operations has been isolated by strikes on rail-
                         road and highway bridges.
                         Iraq's resupply efforts have been degraded~from 20,000 to 2,000 tons
                         daily. Highway traffic severely diminished.
                   *Strategic ~)cations - All 31 targeted nuclear, chemical and biological facili
                         ties have been attacked with over 535 sorties (primarily TOMA-
                         HAWK cruise missiles and precision-guided missiles). All nuclear fa-
                         cilities have been destroyed, including the Baghdad Nuclear Research
                         Center. Over half of biological and chemical facilities have been
                         heavily damaged or destroyed.
                   *Republican Guards - Elite forces have been target of about 300 air sorties
                         daily. 28 B-52s dropped 470 tons. On 29 January, 21 B-52s dropped
                         315 tons. 178 trucks confirmed destroyed, and 55 artillery and 52
                         tanks have been destroyed or damaged in past 36 hours. Also, A-6s,
                         F-16s, and F-15E air strikes are resulting in multiple secondary explo-
                         sions in ammo storage revettments. 125 revettments are confirmed
                         destroyed in northern Kuwait, along with armored personnel carriers,
                         missiles and self-propelled artillery tubes.
                   *Naval operations - Navy has flown over 3,500 sorties from six carriers and
                         have launched over 260 TOMAHAWK cruise missiles. 46 Iraqi naval
                         vessels have been sunk or disabled and 74 enemy prisoners of ~~~ar
                         have been captured in two engagements. Iraqi naval forces opera-
                         tions severely degraded. Also, maritime interception operations are
                         continuing with over 7,000 intercepts to-date.
                   *SCUDs - Over 1500 sorties have been flown, destroying all 30 fixed sites
                         and all major Iraqi missile production facilities. Patriot missiles have
                         engaged 33 SCUDs, 33 destroyed.


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