10 Feb             SECDEF Dick Cheney and cJCS General Colin Powell arrive back in Wash-
                         ington after conferring with U.S. and coalition commanders.
                   DOD announces that 59,000 sorties have been flown (2,800 today) with
                         continued focus on the Republican Guards, battlefield preparation,
                         resupply interdiction and strategic strikes in the KTO.
                   Naval operations, including mine countermeasures and maritime intercep-
                         tions, continue. A-6s attacked two unidentified patrol boats in the
                         northern Arabian Gulf, destroying both. Also, restrikes were made
                         on the Uum Qasr Naval Base.
                   42 additional enemy prisoners of war surrendered to U.S. forces.

11 Feb             DOD announces that 62,000 sorties have been flown (2,900 today) continuing
                         to focus on the Republican Guards (200+ sorties), battlefield prepa-
                         ration, strategic targets and interdicting troop resupply.
                   Naval operations, including mine countermeasures and maritime intercep-
                         tions, continue. One mine is located and destroyed.
                   A B-52 strike along the border caused significant secondary explosions.
                   No major ground activity, only scattered border skirmishes. U.S. forces
                         continue training exercises, redeployments.
                   Iraq fires SCUD missile at Saudi Arabia. Intercepted by U.S. Patriot missile.
                         Two SCUDs are fired at Israel. One fell harmlessly in an unpopu-
                         lated area after being intercepted by U.S. Patriot missile. The seond
                         fell into a residential area, injuring 30 people and destroying several
                   Enemy prisoners of war count rises to 1,00o + with surrender of 75 Iraqi
                   A 300-member contigent of Mghan Mujahedeen fighters becomes the 34th
                         coalition partner supporting OPERA~ON DESERT STORM.

12 Feb             DOD announces that 65,000 sorties have been flown (2,600 today). The
                         continuing air campaign is focusing oh Republican Guard suppression
                         (225 sorties, 6 B-52 strikes), supply interdiction and battlefield prepa-
                         ration (675 sorties).
                   USS MISSOURI, USMC aircraft/artillery, and Saudi artillery mounted a
                         combined arms attack on multiple fixed-position targets (Iraqi troops,
                         artillery, a hardened command bunker and tanks) in southern Kuwait.
                         The battleship expended 60 rounds in 9 naval gunfire support nus-
                   6 additional Iraqis surrendered. DOD confirms for the first time that Iraqi
                         personnel are executing would-be Iraqi deserters.


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