14 Feb (continuing) A USAF EF-1 1 1A crashed in Saudi Arabia. Both crewmembers were killed.
                          This is the 19th U.S. aircraft lost in combat.
                    2 SCUD missiles broke up in flight over Hafr al-Batin, Saudi Arabia, shower-
                          ing debris on buildings, causing damage and several injuries.

15 Feb              Baghdad Radio broadcasts Iraqi Revolutionary Command Council statement
                          that Iraq is ready for negotiations `based on U.N. Security Council
                          resolution 660 of 1990 to achieve a solution to the Gulf crisis, includ-
                          ing its withdrawal from Kuwait. The willingness on the part of the
                          RCC should be regarded as a guarantee from Iraq and coupled with
                          an immediate and comprehensive cessation of all land, air and sea
                          military operations.'1
                    President Bush announces that after initial happiness at the Iraq offer, "re-
                          grettably, `the Iraq statement now appears to be a cruel hoax. Not
                          only was the Iraq statement full of unacceptable old conditions, but
                          Saddam Hussein has added several new conditions." The President
                          reiterated, "They must withdraw without condition, there must be full
                          implementation of all the Security Council resolutions, and there will
                          be no linkage to the other problems in the area, and the legitimate
                          rulers of Kuwait must be returned to Kuwait." President Bush stated
                         * the coalition will not end its military campaign, "until a massive with-
                          drawal begins, with those Iraqi troops visibly leaving Kuwait."
                    DOD announces that 73,000 sorties have been flown (2,600 today). Objec-
                          tives remain destruction of the Republican Guards (100 sorties), stra-
                          tegic targets in the KTO (800 sorties), restrikes, and counter-SCUD
                          strikes (150 sorties).
                    DOD also announces military operations will continue until notified by
                          higher authority of a cease fire.
                    Naval forces continue to- support the air campaign with mine countermea-
                          sures and maritime interception operations.
                   - The Navy has lost an additional aircraft. An A-6 sustained major damage
                          while returning from a combat mission. The crew was recovered.
                    An F-iS on a counter-SCUD~mission shot d~wn a hovering Iraqi helo with a
                          laser-guided bomb. This is the 41st Iraqi aircraft downed in air-to-air
                    USMC and coalition ground forces continue patrols and deployments. DOD
                          assesses Iraqi troops in the KTO as "immobile", "hunkering down",
                          and "confused" as a result of air campaign.
                    Eight additional Iraqis surrendered to U.S. forces. DOD reports 60% of
                          EPWs have surrendered willingly. Would-be defectors may be hin-
                          dered by such obstacles as minefields, execution squads and retali-
                          ations against families in Iraq.
                    SCUD missile fired at Saudi Arabia, breaks up in flight, impacts with no
                          injuries. 65th SCUD fired.
                    SECNAV activates 993 additional Naval Reservists from 87 units.


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