24 Feb (continuing) At 10+ hours into ground offensive, U.S. casualties have been "remarkably
                         ijg~", offensive is "progressing with dramatic success", no reported use
                         of chemical weapons by Iraq, and more than 5,500 enemy prisoners of
                         war have been captured.
                   With the exception of one engagement between Marine task force and an
                         Iraqi armor unit, resulting in Iraqi tanks and troops retreating, only
                         light contact with Iraqi forces. Iraqi troops are reported to be retreat-
                         ing, not engaging and surrendering. Some contact with Republican
                         Guard troops.
                   U.S. Navy, along with UK, Saudi and Kuwaiti naval forces are conducting
                         carrier air, minesweeping, and amphibious missions along the east
                         coast of Kuwait. USS MISSOURI and USS WISCONSIN fired at
                         targets in occupied Kuwait in support of ground offensive.
                   USMC AV-8B is downed. Pilot, Captain James N. Wilbourn, is missing.
                   Maritime intercept operations also continue with USS SAMUEL B.
                         ROBERTS recording 100th interception.
                   Two Iraqi aircraft flew to Iran.

25 Feb             At G+2, DOD announces ground offensive continues, is achieving success,
                         operation is running ahead of schedule, and U.S./coalition forces are
                         encountering only light-to-moderate resistance from Iraqi forces. U.S.
                         forces have engaged the Republican Guards with reported success.
                   Over eighteen thousand enemy prisoners of war have been captured.
                   In several engagements, Marines attacked an Iraqi force, destroying 50-60
                         tanks. Reserve Company "B", 4th Tank Battalion alone destroyed/
                         stopped 34 tanks. In joint operations with USA, Marines captured 20
                         T-62 tanks, 40 armored personnel carriers and 400+ EPWs, and also
                         engaged a 150 armored vehicle formation. Marines fight their way to
                         outskirts of Kuwait City. Coalition forces have destroyed 270+ Iraqi
                         tanks since commencement of ground offensive.

                   Over 97,000 sorties have been flown. Today, Navy, Marine and other aircraft
                         have flown 3,000 sorties. 1,300 sorties have been directed at the KTO,
                         700 on close air support of ground forces.
                   USS JOHN F. KENNEDY records 10,000th arrested landing during this
                         deployment, and aircraft of Carrier Airwing Three (embarked) have
                         delivered 3 million + pounds of ordnance.
                   A USMC AV-8B and USMC OV-lO are downed. Harrier pilot is rescued.
                         Major Joseph J. Small and Captain David Spellacy are missing.
                   Naval forces, including USS WISCONSIN and USS MISSOURI, are continu-
                         ing naval gunfire support and other operations. MISSOURI alone
                         fires 133 rounds or 125 tons of ordnance on targets. Minesweepers
                         cleared additional fire support areas for the battleships.
                   HMS GLOUCESTER, escorting USS MISSOURI in Arabian Gulf, destroys
                         an incoming Iraqi Silkworm missile aimed at MISSOURI with two
                         Sea Dart missiles. A second Silkworm missile was fired but fell in the
                         gulf. USN aircraft destroyed the missile launch site.


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