9 April (continuing) Marine ground forces hold defensive positions, redeploy.
                    DOD reports there are 326,000+ U.S. personnel in the theater (34,500+
                          Navy, 43,000+ USMC). To-date, 214,OOOtave redeployed to the U.S.
                          (50,500 Navy, 51,000 USMC).

10 April            Naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols, minesweep-
                          ing and maritime interception operations.
                    Marine ground forces hold defensive positions, redeploy.
                    USS HAL�AKALA (AE-25) arrives at Apra Harbor GUAM homeport.
                          During a one-month deployment, the combat logistics force ship
                          replenished 15 ships while underway, and delivered cargo supporting
                          Marine units ashore.
                    Ready Reserve Force cargo ship SS CAPE INSCRIFflON arrives in Hous-
                          ton `DC with redeployment cargo.

11 April            At D +84, naval forces continue counter air-defensive, combat air patrols,
                          minesweeping and maritime intercept operations.
                    To-date, 553 mines have been discovered and destroyed.
                    To-date, 8,770 merchants have been intercepted, 1,117 boarded, and 61
                          diverted. The Navy has conducted 590 boardings.
                    There are 41 Navy ships in the Arabian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and Northern
                          Arabian Sea, including USS RANGER. There are 8 Navy ships in the
                          Red Sea, including USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT. There are 10
                          Navy ships in the Mediterranean.
                    Marine ground forces hold defensive positions, redeploy.
                    DOD reports there are 310,000+ U.S. personnel in the theater (33,000+
                          Navy, 38,500+ USMC). To-date, 230,000+ have redeployed to the
                          U.S. (52,000 Navy, 55,500 USMC).
                    To-date, 2,386 Nayal and 4,970 Marine Reservists have been demobilized;
                          16,733 Naval and 25,578 Marine Reservists are on active duty.
                    DOD revises casualty data: 139 KIA~ 2 (Died from combat wounds). 118
                          Non-combat fataiities 357 WIA~ 6 MIA (3 Navy. 0 USMC). 0 POW.
                    Sealift update: To-date, 41 MSC ships have loaded out or have turned
                          around and are underway to CONUS (totalling 168,000 tons of cargo
                          and equipment). 36 ships are loading or waiting to load.
                    USS LEFTWICH (DD-984) with Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron 3
                          Detachment 5 embarked, arrives at NAVSTA Pearl Harbor
                          homeport. During a five-and-a-half month deployment, the destroyer
                          conducted 200+ merchant ship interceptions and one boarding, was
                          one of the first ships to fire TOMAHAWK cruise missiles, was the
                          first combatant to conduct a wartime reload of TOMAHAWKs for
                          continued operations, with embarked helos and SEAL~ captured the
                          first Iraqi territory repatriated in the war and enemy prisoners of war,
                          and conducted 16 combat search and rescue cases.

                    U.N. Security Council declares formal cease-fire ending Persian Gulf War.


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