Theater Coalition Ships

(Coalition ships in theater on the date specified)

 Country            22 Aug    18 Sep     21 Oct     12 Nov      21 Jan

 Argentina                                             2           2

 Australia                                                         3

 Belgium               3         3          3          3           6

 Canada                3         3          3          3           3

 Denmark                         1          1          1           1

 France                7        14         14         13          14

 Gennany               6         -          -          7           5

 Greece                          1          1          1           1

 Italy                 2         3          4          3          10

 Netherlands           2         2          3          3           3

 Norway                          1          1          -           1

 Poland                                     1          -           1

 Portugal                                   1          1           1

 Spain                 3         3          3          3           4

 Thrkey                                                            2

 U.S.                 45        45         55         65         100

 UK                    7         -         12         16          18

 USSR                            2          2          4           4

Total                 78        78         104        127        179

Sources:     Time, August 27, 1990, January 28, 1991.
             New York Times, September 18, October 21, November 12,1990.
             Washington Post National Weekly Edition, January 21-27, 1991.


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