OPERA~ON DESERT STORM

       `The battleships WISCONSIN and MISSOURI contn1)uted significantly to DESERT
STORI~~ in providing naval gunfire support for troops ashore.            Their unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) gave them unique reconnaissance capabilities that were extensively used.
The two battleships delivered over 2.1 million pounds of ordnance -- the equivalent of 542
A-6 missions.       Battle damage assessment (BDA) was available for 41 of 80 missions and
indlcat(#~d that 68% of the targets received heavy damage or worse.

                                             NGFS Data

Number of 16-inch missions fired:                     Number of 16-inch round fired:
WISCONSIN                  33                         WISCONSIN             324
MISSOURI                   47                         MISSOURI              759
Total                      80                         Total               1083

Total orcilnance delivered:
       2,166,000 pounds (approximate)
          4,322 Mk 82 bomb equivalents
            542 A-6 mission equivalents

Spotter s~~rvices:
       41(52%) missions were spotted by organic UAV.
        ~3 (10%) missions were spotted by ground or air spotter.
       31(38%) missions were pre-planned/not spotted.

Calls for fire:
         (18%) missions were called for by ground forces.
         (82%) missions were pre-planned or seff-determined.

Battle damage assessment (BDA):
BDA was not available for 39 missions due to lack of spotter or smoke and/or~haze. BDA was available for
41 missioi:~s (68 targets): -.
       ll~~ht to moderate damage               32%
       h~:avy damage                           26%
       target neutralized                      10%
       target destroyed                        32%

Types of targets in NGFS missions:
artffiery iargets                 17                  command/observation posts    4
small boats (in port)             13 (1 mission)      troops in the open           4 (events)
AAW sites                         10                  logistics sites              3
bunkers                           10                  tanks                        3
infantry in trenches              8 (events)          buildings                    2
ammo storage sites                6                   mine fields                  2
SAM/SSM(rocket launchers          S                   pier                         1
radar/comm/ESM/SIGINT sites       S                   trucks                       1


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