27FEB91 (D+41)(G+3)
        -     Th-156 executed deceptive amphibious helo operations toward Bubiyan
        -     Th-151 continued combined AMCM operations with Royal Navy.

28 FEB 91 (D+42) (0+4)
        -     President Bush directed a cessation of offensive operations for
              *USCENTCOM forces effective 280800 in the KTO.
        -     NAVCENT tasking as of 280500Z includes: protect the fleet, support
              CENTCOM tasking, continue mineclearing ops, prepare for logistics over
              the shore, assess capability of, and time to prepare Ash Shuaybah, Kuwait
              as operational logistics port.
        -     Princeton arriving Jebel Ali for mine damage assessment.
              Completion of Th- 158 offload of 5th MEB elements at Ras Al Mishab now
              projected for 1 MAR.
        -     Avenger discovered Italian Manta bottom influence mine in vicinity of
              Princeton/Tripoli ti:\ine explosions. Mine destroyed. Estimate Iraq had
              approx. 150 Manta s.

1MAR91 (D+43)
        -     La Salle has temporarily replaced Tripoli as AMCM support and C2
              platform until arrival of New Orleans.

2 MAR 91 (D+44)
        -     Th- 1564th MEB prepared to continue amphib ops and began backload of
              5th MEB units 1 MAR.
        -     Th- 151 with RN and RSNF continues combined AMCM and ship MCM.
              Top priority is to sweep a lane into Ash Shaybah.
        -     Naval missions: maintain naval superiority, blockade Kuwait coast
              to prevent small vessels from escaping, continue MCM ops, plan for
              Faylaka EPW evacuation.

3 MAR 91 (D+45)
        -     Naval missions: ops include NAG mine searches, and surface
        -     Th-156 and TF-158 (afloat MAGTAF) will conduct evacuation of BPW's
              from Faylaka Island on 3 MAR and reconnaissance of other islands to
              determine presence of Iraqi forces.

4 MAR 9f (D+46)
        -     Th-156 conducted evacuation of 1405 EPW's (one BO, three COL, 86
              officers) from Faylaka Island. No resistance.
        -     DESERT STORM total 16-inch ordnance fired by Wisconsin and Missouri
              was 1083, equal to 4322 Mk-82 bombs or 542 A-6 missions. BL)A for 41
              missions were classified as "heavy, neutralized, or destroyed" for 68% of
        -     MCM ops to clear route to Ash Shuaybah will be completed by 5 MAR.



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