IN DESERT ~SfflELD/STORM

        Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) performed superbly during DESERT
SHIELD/STORM.        Their uses included targeting, "real time" battle damage assessment,
artillery and naval gunfire adjustment, reconnaissance and advanced warning, and
cot~rdination of ground and air operations.   UAVs elicited very positive feedback from
DESERT STORM commanders.

                                          UAV Data

522 Sorties/i 641 hours flown (at least 1 UAV airborne at all times durii~g DESERT STORM):

               Unit                               Sorties                     Hours

VC.6 Det 1 (USS WISCONSIN)                         100                        342.9
        (Embarked 7 Aug 90)
VC-6 Det 2 (USS MISSOURI)                           64                        209.7
        (Embarked 3 Nov 90)

Marine Corps
1st RPVCO                                           94                        330.3
        (Commenced ops 26 Sep 90)
2nd RPVCO                                           69 CIhru 1 Mar)           226.6
        (Commenced ops 27 Nov 90)
3rd RPVCO                                          147 (mru 24 Feb)           380.6

USA UAVPLT                                          48                        150.8
        (Commenced ops 1 Feb 91)

Total                                              522                        1640.9

12 UAVs destroyed:
        -      1 hostile fire
        -      3 electromagnetic interference (EMI)
        -      2 operator error
        -      6 engine/general/airframe failure

11 U~~Vs damaged during DESERT STORM (repairable):
        -      2EMI
        -      6 operator error
        -      3 engine/general failure

3 UAVs suffered minor damage due to small arms fire.


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