Figure 1-1 -- Key Organizations on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses

1992 August 1992 - Expert Panel on Petroleum Toxicity Sponsor: DOD
1993 July 1993 - Office of Technology Assessment Workshop on Persian Gulf Health Sponsor:
  October 1993 Institute of Medicine Committee to Review the Health Consequences of Service During the Persian Gulf War Sponsor: VA/DOD
  December 1993-June 1994 - Defense Science Board Sponsor: DOD
1994 January 1994 - Persian Gulf Veterans Coordinating Board* Sponsor: DOD
  February 1994 - Persian Gulf Expert Scientific Panel Sponsor: VA
  April 1994 - National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Workshop Panel Sponsor: DOD/DHHS/VA/EPA
  May 1994 Dr. Harrison Spencer, Dean, Tulane School of Public Health Independent Counsel Sponsor: DOD
  June 1994 - Institute of Medicine Committee to Review DOD's Comprehensive Clinical Evaluation Program* Sponsor: DOD
1995 March 1995 Senior Level Oversight Panel, Persian Gulf Investigation Team, and Declassification Program Sponsor: DOD Sponsor: DOD
  March 1995 Task Force on Analysis and Declassification of Intelligence Records Sponsor: CIA Sponsor: CIA
  Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses May 26, 1995 Sponsor:
1996 November 1996 Special Assistant for Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses* Sponsor: DOD Sponsor: DOD
  November 1996 Special Assistant to the President for Gulf War Veterans Illnesses* Sponsor: National Security Council Sponsor: National Security Council

*Operations ongoing

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