Declassified Documents |
Cross Reference File
(5/7/96) |
The 1990-1991 Gulf War Cross Reference List is a finding aid
for conducting searches in the operational military documents on
GulfLINK. By searching for a word in this cross reference file,
you may find one or more additional words, terms, or acronyms that
are associated with your term. As you search GulfLINK documents,
you may wish to search separately for some or all of the associated
terms. We intend the Cross Reference list to be a finding aid, especially
for researchers unfamiliar with military terminology, and not a
complete index to the GulfLINK documents. It does not contain all
possible terms and words that may be related to a specific topic,
and some of the words in the Cross Reference list may not result
in "hits" on the documents currently on GulfLINK. |
AA - Assembly area.
AABn - Assault Amphibian Battalion (USMC)
AAR - After Action Review(Report)
ACE - Armored Combat Engineer
ACE - Armored Combat Excavator
AECC - Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center
AELT - Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Team
AES - Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
AI - Air Interdiction
Aid Station
A6- Intruder
A7- Corsair
AV8B- Harrier
A10- Warthog
C130- Hercules
EA-6B- Prowler
E2-C- Hawkeye
F4- Phantom/Wild Weasel
F16- Falcon
F18- Hornet
OV-10- Bronco
S3- Viking
Air Defense
AAA - Antiaircraft Artillery
AADC - Area Air Defense Commander
ADA - Air Defense Artillery
ADOC - Air Defense Operations Center
ATBM - Antitactical Ballistic Missile
FAN SONG - Air defense radar associated with SA-2
Patriot - PAC
SAM - Surface-to-air missile - SA
STRAIGHT FLUSH - Target acquisition radar associated with SA-6
VADS - Vulcan Air Defense System
NCP - Non-US Coalition Partner
See also individual countries by name
AA&E - Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
ADAM - Area denial artillery munitions
AMMOLOG - Ammunition Logistics
APFSDS - Armor Piercing, Fin Stabilized, Discarding Sabot
ASP - Ammunition supply point
ATP - Ammunition transfer point
Class V
DAO - Division ammunition officer
HE - High explosive
HEAT - High Explosive Anti-Tank
HELLFIRE - Helicopter-launched fire and forget missile
HEP-T - High explosive plastic-tracer
PGM- Precision Guided Munitions
APS - Afloat Prepositioned Ships
ARCENT - US Army Central Command (3d Army)
ARG - Amphibious Ready Group
Armored Car
Armored Personnel Carrier/Fighting Vehicle System
AAV- Assault Amphibious Vehicle Series (USMC)
APC - Armored Personnel Carrier
BFV - Bradley Fighting Vehicle
BFVS - Bradley Fighting Vehicle System
CFV - Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
IFV- Infantry fighting vehicle
LAV-Light Armored Vehicle (USMC)
M113 - Armored Personnel Carrier
M2 - Infantry Fighting Vehicle
M2/3 - Bradley Fighting Vehicle
M3 - Cavalry Fighting Vehicle
AN/TPQ-36 - Firefinder Counter mortar radar - Q-36,
AN/TPQ-37 - Firefinder Counterbattery radar Q-37
ATACMS - Army Tactical Missile System
DIVARTY - Division Artillery
FA - Field Artillery
FIST - Fire Support Team
FO - Forward Observer
FSCOORD - Fire support coordinator
M102 - 105mm Howitzer
M109 Series - 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer M198 - 155mm Howitzer
M110 - 8-inch Self-propelled Howitzer
MLRS - Multiple Launch Rocket System
ASW - Anti Submarine Warfare
ATO - Air Tasking Order
AH-1 - Cobra Attack Helicopter
AH-64 - Apache Attack Helicopter
ALAT - Aviation Logistics Assistance Team
ASOC - Air support operations center
AVCRAD - Aviation Classification Repair Activity Depot
AVGAS - Aviation Gasoline
AVIM - Aviation intermediate maintenance
AVN - Aviation
AVSCOM - Aviation Systems Command
AVUM - Aviation unit-level maintenance
Black Hawk - UH-60 utility helicopter
CAB - Combat aviation brigade
CH - Cargo Helicopter
CH-46- Sea Knight
CH-47 - Chinook Cargo Helicopter
CH-53- Sea Stallion
HELLFIRE - Helicopter-launched fire and forget missile
Kiowa - OH-58 Observation Helicopter
MH-47K - SOF modified Chinook Helicopter
MH-60K - SOF modified Black Hawk Helicopter
MPLH - Multipurpose Light Helicopter
OH-58D - Kiowa Warrior Scout Helicopter
OV-1D - Mohawk Surveillance System
QUICKFIX - Tactical heliborne electronic warfare jamming system
mounted on EH-1H or EH-1X aircraft; QUICKFIX II is mounted on
RPV - Remotely Piloted Vehicle
SLAR - Side-looking airborne radar
TALO - Theater Aviation Logistics Officer
TAM - Transportation aircraft maintenance
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UH-1 - Huey - Iroquois utility helicopter
UH-60 - Black Hawk Helicopter
AVLB - Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge
AWACS - Airborne Warning and Control System
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BB - Battleship
BDA- -Battle Damage Assessment
BSSG- -Brigade Service Support Group (USMC)
BW - Biological Warfare
gas gangrine
gas gangrine
NBC - Nuclear, biological, chemical
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C3 - Command, Control, and Communications
CAP - Combat Air Patrol
CAPDS - Chemical Agent Point Detection System
CARC - Chemical Agent Resistant Coating, Paint
CAS - Close Air Support
CBPS - Chemical Biological Protective Shelter
CBU - Cluster bomb unit
CEBn - Combat Engineer Battalion (USMC)
CENTCOM - U.S. Central Command
CEV - Combat Engineer Vehicle
CG - Guided Missile Cruiser
CGN - Guided Missile Cruiser, Nuclear Propulsion
CHB - Cargo Handling Battalion
Chemical Warfare, (CW)
NBC - Nuclear, biological, chemical
See also Chemical Alarms, Chemical Agents, Chemical Defensive
Equipment, Chemical Agent Countermeasures
Chemical Agents
Nerve Agents
GA - Tabun
GB - Sarin
GD - Soman
Blister Agents
ED - Ethyldichlorarsine
H - Levinstein Mustard
HD - Distilled Mustard
HL - Mustard-Lewisite
HN-1 - HN-2 - HN-3 - Nitrogen Mustard
L - Lewisite
MD - Methyldichloroarsine
Mustard T-mixture
PB - Phenyldichloroarsine
Choking Agents
AC - Hydrogen Cyanide
Blood Agents
SA - Arsine
CG - phosgene
CK - Cyanogen Chloride
DP - Diphosgene
CX - Phosgene Oxime
Incapacitating Agents
Chemical Agent Countermeasures
CANA - Convulsive antidote nerve agent
NAAK - Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
NAPP - Nerve agent pyridostigmine [bromide] pretreatment - PB
Chemical Defensive Equipment , (CDE)
BDO - Battle Dress Overgarment
CPOG - Chemical Protective Overgarment
M17 Series - Protective Mask
M24 - Protective Mask
M40 - Protective Mask
M42 - Protective Mask
M51 - CBPS - Chemical Biological Protective Shelter
MOPP - Mission-oriented protective posture
Sanator - M-17 decontamination device
SCPE - Simplified Collective Protection Equipment
Chemical Detection and Alarms
ACAA - Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm
ANBACIS II - Automated Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Information
CAM - Chemical Agent Monitor
M256A1 - Chemical Detector Kit
M8 - Detector Paper
M8A1 - Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm/Detector
M9 - Detector Paper
NBCRS - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance System -
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
Civil Affairs, (CA)
CAG - Civil Affairs Group
CMO - Civil-military operations
Civilians, (Civ)
ASG - Army Support Group
CFT - Contract Field Team
DC - Displaced Civilians
CNO - Chief of Naval Operations
COE - Corps of Engineers
Command and Control
BCCC - Airborne battlefield command and control center
C2 - Command and control
C3 - Command, control, and communications
C3I - Command, control, communications, and intelligence
CINC- Commander in Chief
COMUS- Commander, US
WWMCCS - Worldwide Military Command and Control System
AN/PSC-2 - Small computer used to transmit data
over FM radio
AN/VRC - Army-Navy/Vehicular Radio Communications
AN/VSC-2 - Radio-teletype set mounted on HMMWV
AUTODIN - Automatic Digital Network
AUTOVON - Automatic Voice Network
Bric - Commercially procured hand-held short-range radio
CECOM - US Army Communications-Electronics Command
COMSAT - Communications Satellite
DCA - Defense Communications Agency
DCS - Defense Communications System
DDN, Defense Data Network
DSCS - Defense Satellite Communications System,
DSN - Defense Switched Network
INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite
MSE, Mobile Subscriber Equipment
N/PRC - Army-Navy/Portable Radio Communications
PSC-3 SATCOM - Satellite Communications Radio
SATCOM - Satellite Communications
SINCGARS - Single-channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
TACSAT - Tactical Satellite
Contamination Control Area
CRAF - Civil Reserve Air Force
CSAR - Combat Search and Rescue
CSSD - Combat Service Support Detachment (USMC)
CUCV - Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle
CV - Aircraft Carrier
CVBG - Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (USN)
CWDD - Chemical Warfare Directional Detector
CVN - Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear Propulsion
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DD - Destroyer
DDG - Guided Missile Destroyer
DIA - Defense Intelligence Agency
DLI - Defense Language Institute
Dragon - Infantry Antitank Weapon
DU - Depleted Uranium
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ECB - Engineer Combat Battalion
Electronic Warfare,( EW )
ECCM - Electronic counter-countermeasures
ECM - Electronic countermeasures
IEW - Intelligence and Electronic Warfare
QUICKFIX - Tactical heliborne electronic warfare jamming system
mounted on EH-1H or EH-1X aircraft; QUICKFIX II is mounted on
Racal Jammer - ELQ-19 electronic jamming set
RWR - Radar Warning Receiver
ESB - Engineer Support Battalion (USMC)
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FAC - Forward Air Control
FF - Frigate
FFG - Guided Missile Frigate
FH - Fleet Hospital
FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared
FMF - Fleet Marine Force
FMFLant - Fleet Marine Force Atlantic
FMFPac - Fleet Marine Force Pacific
FMTV- Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles
FORSCOM - Forces Command
France - Fr
Fratricide - friendly fire
FSCL - Fire Support Coordination Line
FSS - Fast Sealift Ships
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Great Britain - Eng, England, United Kingdom,
U.K., UK
Gulf Cooperative Council - GCC
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HAB - Hardened Aircraft Bunker
HAS - Hardened Aircraft
HDC - Harbor Defense Command
HEMTT - Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck
HET - Heavy Equipment Transporter
HMH - Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron
HML - Marine Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron
HMM - Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron
HMMWV - High Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicle
Hospitals and Medical Treatment
AECC - Aeromedical Evacuation Control Center
AELT -Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Team
BTC - Blood Transshipment Center
CCX, - Combat Casualty Evacuation
Class VIII
CSH - Combat Support Hospital
DEPMEDS - Deployable Medical System
DMSO - Division Medical Supply Officer
DNBI - Disease, Non-Battle Injury
EVAC - Evacuation Hospital
HSC - Health Services Command
HU - Hospital Unit
JMRO - Joint Medical Regulating Office
MASH - Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
MASSIF - Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility
MEDEVAC - Medical Evacuation
MEDSOM - Medical Supply, and Optional Maintenance
MRO - Medical Regulating Office
MTF - Medical Treatment Facility
MUST - Medical Unit, Self-contained, Transportable
TAES - Tactical Aeromedical Evacuation System
TAMMIS - Theater Army Medical Materiel Information System
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IFF - Identification, Friend or Foe
IIR - Intelligence Information Report
IOC - Intercept Operations Center
IR - Infrared
DMI - Directorate of Military Intelligence [also
used for Israel and Egypt]
IIS - Iraqi Intelligence Service
RGFC - Republican Guard Forces Command
ITV - Improved TOW Vehicle
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JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff
JFACC - Joint Force Air Component Commander
JIC - Joint Intelligence Center
JMEM - Joint Munitions Effects Manual
JOPES - Joint Operations Planning and Execution
JULLS - Joint Universal Lessons Learned System
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KFIA - King Fahad International Airport
KKMC - King Khalid Military City
KERO - Kuwait Emergency Recovery Organization
KTF - Kuwaiti Task Force
KTO - Kuwaiti Theater of Operations
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LAADBn - Low Altitude Air Defense Battalion,
LAAMBn - Light AntiAircraft Missile Battalion
LAIBn - Light Armored Infantry Battalion (USMC)
LAMPS - Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System
LANDSAT - Land Satellite, NASA/NOAA Satellite
LANTIRN - Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting
Infrared System for Night
LAVBn - Light Armored Vehicle Battalion (USMC)
LAW - Light anti-tank weapon
LCC - Amphibious Command Ship
LHA/LHD - Amphibious Assault Ship, Multipurpose
LKA - Amphibious Cargo Ship
AMC - Army Materiel Command
AMCCOM - U.S. Army Armament, Munitions and Chemical Command
AMDF - Army Master Data File
APS - Afloat Prepositioned Ships
AR2 - Army War Reserve in Europe
ARPS - Army Prepositioned Stock
ASG - Army Support Group
ASL - Authorized stockage list
AVSCOM - Aviation Systems Command
AWR - Army War Reserve
CECOM - US Army Communications-Electronics Command
CFT - Contract Field Team
Class [of supply]
COSCOM - Corps Support Command
CTAS - Corps Theater Automated Supply System
DASS - Defense Automated Supply System
DESCOM - US Army Depot Systems Command
Desert Express
DISCOM - Division support command
DLA - Defense Logistics Agency
DLR - Depot Level Repairable
DMMC - Division materiel management center
DOS - Day of Supply
LAO - Logistics Assistance Office/Officer
LAP - Logistics Assistance Program
LAR - Logistics Assistance Representative
LB - Logistics Base
LOC - Lines of communications
LOC - Logistics Operations Center
LOGPAC - Logistics package
LSG - Logistics Support Group
Maritime Prepositioned Squadrons
MICOM - US Army Missile Command
MMC - Materiel management center
MSR - Main supply route
MTMC - Military Traffic Management Command
POMCUS - Prepositioning of Materiel Configured to Unit Sets
PREPRO - Prepositioned
RO/RO - Roll on-roll off cargo ship
SLOC - Sea Lines of Communication
SPOD - Sea Port of Debarkation
SPOE - Sea Port of Embarkation
SRA - Specialized Repair Activity
SSOS - Supply Support from Other Sources
SUPCOM - Support Command
TACOM - Tank-Automotive Command
TAMMC - Theater Army Materiel Management Center
TRANSCOM - Transportation Command
USASG - United States Army Support Group
WRM - War Reserve Materiel
See also Aviation.
LPH - Amphibious Assault Ship, Helicopter
LSB - Landing Support Battalion (USMC)
LST - Tank Landing Ship
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M99 - mm pistol
M9 - Armored Combat Earthmover
M16 - 5.56mm Rifle
M24 - 7.62mm Sniper Weapon
M60 - 7.62mm Machine Gun
M88 - Vehicle, Tracked, Recovery
M109 - 155mm Howitzer
M110A2 - 8-inch Howitzer
M198 - 155mm Howitzer
M220A4 - TOW II Missile Launcher
M244 - 60mm Mortar
M249 - Squad Automatic Weapon
M252 - 81mm Mortar
M723 - Combat Engineer Vehicle
MAC - Military Airlift Command
MACS - Marine Air Control Squadron
MACG - Marine Air Control Group
MAG - Marine Air Group
MAGTF - Marine Air-Ground Task Force
Maps and Navigating in the Desert
AMS - Army Map Service
DMA - Defense Mapping Agency
DMAAC- Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
GPS - Global positioning system - AN/PSN-9
Magellan GPs
Navstar GPs
PLGR - Precision Lightweight Global Positioning System Receiver
SLGR - Small lightweight global positioning system receiver
Trimpack GPs
MARCENT- Marine Component, Central Command
MATCS - Marine Air Traffic Control Squadron
MAW - Marine Air Wing
MCM - Mine Countermeasures, Mine Countermeasures
MCSSD - Mobile Combat Service Support Detachment
MEB - Marine Expeditionary Brigade
MEU - Marine Expeditionary Unit
Mech - Mechanized
MET - Medium Equipment Transporter
MHC - Minehunter, Coastal
Mine Warfare
AVLM - Armored Vehicle Launched MICLIC
CLAMS - Cleared Lane Marking System
CME - Countermine Equipment
FASCAM - Family of scatterable mines
GEMSS - Ground-Emplaced Mine Scattering System
M74 - Antipersonnel Mine [in GEMSS]
M75 - Antitank Mine [in GEMSS]
MICLIC - Mine Clearing Line Charge
RAAMS - Remote anti-armor mine system
MIUWU - Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit
ALARM- Air Launched Anti Radiation Missile
CALCM- Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile
HARM- High Speed Anti Radiation Missile
SCUD- Iraqi Surface to Surface (SSM) Missile
TLAM- Tomahawk Land Attack Missile
MP - Military police
MPES - Medical Planning and Execution System
MPS - Maritime Prepositioned Ships
MRE - Meals, Ready to Eat
MSB - Minesweeper, Boat
MSC - Military Sealift Command
MSO - Minesweeper, Ocean
MSSG - MEU Service Support Group (USMC)
MTMC - Military Traffic Management Command
MWCS - Marine Wing Communication Squadron
MWSG - Marine Wing Support Group
MWSS - Marine Wing Support Squadron
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NAVCENT - Naval Component, Central Command
NCA - National Command Authority
NGFS - Naval Gunfire Support
Night Vision and Infrared
AN/PVS-4 - Individual-Served Weapon Night Sight
AN/PVS-6 - Aviation Night Vision Imaging System
AN/PVS-7 - Night vision goggle
CECOM - US Army Communications-Electronics Command
CITV - Commanders Independent Thermal Viewer
FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared
IIR - Imaging Infrared
IR - Infrared
IRDS - Infrared Detection Set
NVG - Night vision goggle
NMCB - Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
NSA - National Security Agency
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OPORD - Operations Order
OPLAN - Operations Plan
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POG - Psychological Operations Group
Class III
dust palliatives
oil wells
POL - Petroleum, oils and lubricants
SWAPDOC - Southwest Asia Petroleum Distribution Operational Project
TPT - Tactical Petroleum Terminals
PM-SANG, (OPM-SANG) - Office of the
Project Manager, Saudi Arabian National Guard
CI - Civilian Internee
EPW - Enemy Prisoners of War
GC - Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners
of War
GPW - Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners
of War
GWS - Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Wounded or
ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent
IPW - Interrogation of Prisoners of War
POW - Prisoners of War
PROFIS - Professional Officer Filler System
PSU - Port Security Unit (US Coast Guard)
PSYOPS - Psychological Operations
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RAAWS - Ranger Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon
AN/APS-94F - Side-looking airborne radar
AN/TPQ-36 - Firefinder Counter mortar radar - Q-36
AN/TPQ-36 - Mortar-locating radar
AN/TPQ-37 - Firefinder Counterbattery radar Q-37
AN/UPD-7 - Radar Surveillance System
CECOM - US Army Communications-Electronics Command
END TRAY - Radar associated with SCUD missiles
FAN SONG - Air defense radar associated with SA-2
GRADS - Ground radar aerial delivery systems
GSR - Ground Surveillance Radar
JSTARS - Joint Surveillance Target Acquisition Radar System
RWR - Radar Warning Receiver
STRAIGHT FLUSH - Target acquisition radar associated with SA-6
Recon - Reconnaissance
Red Cross
ARC - American Red Cross
ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent
Red Crescent
Reserve and National Guard
ARNG - Army Reserve National Guard
IMA - Individual Mobilization Augmentation/Augmentee
IRR - Individual Ready Reserve
NGB - National Guard Bureau
OCAR - Office of the Chief, Army Reserve
RC - Reserve Component[s]
USAR - US Army Reserve
ROE - Rules of Engagement
ROWPU - Reverse Osmosis Water Purification
RPV - Remotely Piloted Vehicle
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SAD - Strategic Air Defense
Saudi Arabia
EAC - Eastern Area Command
HN - Host Nation
HNS - Host Nation Support
JFC-E - Joint Forces Command-East
JFC-N - Joint Forces Command - North
KSA - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
MODA - Ministry of Defense and Aviation
NAC - Northern Area Command
RSLF - Royal Saudi Land Forces SAAF - Saudi Arabian Armed Forces
SANG - Saudi Arabian National Guard
SAW - Squad Automatic Weapon
END TRAY - Radar associated with SCUD missiles
MEL - Mobile erector-launcher
SEE - Small Equipment Excavator
SEAD - Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
SHAW - Shoulder-Launched Automatic Weapon
Special Forces/Unconventional Warfare
ARSOC - Army Special Operations Command
ARSOFTF - Army Special Operations Forces Task Force
CINCSOC - Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command
CONDOR - Covert Night/Day Operations in Rotorcraft
MH-47K - SOF Modified Chinook Helicopter
MH-60K - SOF modified Black Hawk Helicopter
SBU- Special Boat Unit
SDV- SEAL Delivery Vehicle
SF - Special Forces
SFG - Special Forces Group
SFOD - Special Forces Operational Detachment
SO - Special Operations
SOC - Special Operations Command
SOCCE - Special Operations Command and Control Element
SOCCENT - Special Operations Command, CENTCOM
SOCOM - Special Operations Command
SOF - Special Operations Forces
Special Warfare Command- US Navy
USASOC - US Army Special Operations Command
USSOCOM - US Special Operations Command
UW - Unconventional warfare
SWA - Southwest Asia
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TAC - Tactical Air Command
TACC - Tactical Air Control Center
TACS - Tactical Air Control System
TACSAT - Tactical Satellite
Challenger (UK)
Chieftain (UK)
M1/M1A1 - Abrams Tank
M1A1-HA - Abrams Tank with Heavy Armor
M551 - Sheridan Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle
M60 (USMC)
M84 [Yugoslavian version of the T-72)
Terrorism and Sabotage
ATOIC - US Army Antiterrorism Operations and Intelligence
CT - Counterterrorism
TFS - Tactical Fighter Squadron
TFW - Tactical Fighter Wing
TIS - Tactical Intelligence Squadron
TOW - Antitank Missile
TRADOC - US Training and Doctrine Command
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UAE - United Arab Emirates
UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Units - US Army
ARCENT - US Central Command Army Component - Third
VII CORPS - 7th Corps - Jayhawk Corps
XVIII CORPS - XVIII Airborne Corps - XVIII Abn Corps - XVIII ABC
- 18th Airborne Corps - 18th ABC - "Dragon Corps"
101st AB - 101st Airborne Division - 101st Airborne - 101st Air
Assault Division -101st Air Assault - 101st Abn Div - 101st ID
111th ORD - 111th Ordnance Group - 111th Ord Group
11th ADA BDE - 11th Air Defense Brigade
11th AVN BDE - 11th Aviation Brigade
11th SIG BDE - 11th Signal Brigade
12th AVN BDE - 12th Aviation Brigade
142d FA BDE - 142d Field Artillery Brigade
14th MP BDE - 14th Military Police Brigade - 14th MP Brigade
16th MP BDE - 16th Military Police Brigade - 16th MP Brigade
18th AVN BDE - 18th Aviation Brigade
18th FA BDE - 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne)
196th FA BDE - 196th Field Artillery Brigade
1st AD - 1st Armored Division - 1st Arm Div
1st ASG - 1st Area Support Group - ASG Dhahran
1st CD - 1st Cavalry Division - 1st Cav Div - "First Team"
- 1st Cav
1st COSCOM - 1st Corps Support Command
1st EOD GP - 1st Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group
1st ID - 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) - 1st Inf Div - 1st
Mech Div - 1st Mech - 1st ID(M) - "Big Red One"
207th MI BDE - 207th Military Intelligence Brigade - 207th MI
20th ENG BDE - 20th Engineer Brigade
210th FA BDE - 210th Field Artillery Brigade
212th FA BDE - 212th Field Artillery Brigade
226th ASG - 226th Area Support Group
22d SUPCOM - 22d Support Command - ARCENT SUPCOM - 22d Provisional
Support Command
24th ID - 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) - 24th Inf Div -
24th Mech Div - 24th Mech - "Victory" Division - 24th
2d ACR - 2d Armored Cavalry Regiment - 2d Cavalry Regiment - 2d
Cav Regt - 2d Cav
2d AD - 2d Armored Division (Forward) - 2d Armored Division -
2d Arm Div - "Tiger Brigade"
2d ASG - 2d Area Support Group - ASG KKMC
2d AVN BDE - 2d Aviation Brigade
2d COSCOM - 2d Corps Support Command
3/160th SOAR - 3d Battalion - 160th Special Operations Aviation
Regiment - 3d Bn - 60th SOAR
301st ASG - 301st Area Support Group
304th CA GP - 304th Civil Affairs Group - 304th CA Group - 304th
321st MMC - 321st Materiel Management Center
32d TRANS - 32d Transportation Group - 32d Trans Group
352d CA CMD - 352d Civil Affairs Command
354th CA BDE - 354th Civil Affairs Brigade
35th SIG BDE - 35th Signal Brigade
360th CA BDE - 360th Civil Affairs Brigade
3d ACR - 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment - 3d Cavalry Regiment - 3d
Cav Regt - 3d Cav
3d AD - 3d Armored Division - 3d Arm Div - "Spearhead"
3d PERS GP - 3d Personnel Group - 3d PERS Group
3rd MP GP - 3d Military Police Group (CID) - 3d MP Group - 3d
411th ENG BDE - 411th Engineer Brigade
416th ENG CMD - 416th Engineer Command
42d FA BDE - 42d Field Artillery Brigade
43d CSG - 43d Corps Support Group
475th POL GP - 475th Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Group - 475th
POL Group
4th PSYOP GP - 4th Psychological Group - 4th POG
513th MI BDE - 513th Military Intelligence Brigade - 513th MI
525th MI BDE - 525th Military Intelligence Brigade - 525th MI
593d ASG - 593d Area Support Group
5th SFG - 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) - 5th SF Grp - 5th
6th SIG CMD - 6th Signal Command
75th FA BDE - 75th Field Artillery Brigade
7th ENG BDE - 7th Engineer Brigade
7th TRANS - 7th Transportation Group - 7th Trans Group
800th MP BDE - 800th Military Police Brigade (EPW) - 800th MP
82d AB - 82d Airborne Division - 82d Airborne - 82d Abn Div -
82d ID
89th MP BDE - 89th Military Police Brigade - 89th MP Brigade
93d SIG BDE - 93d Signal Brigade
MED GP - ARCENT Medical Group - Medical Group
Units, US Marine Corps
I MEF- 1st Marine Expeditionary Force
II MEF- 2d Marine Expeditionary Force
III MEF- 3d Marine Expeditionary Force
V MEF- 5th Marine Expeditionary Force
1st MARDIV- 1st Marine Division
2d MARDIV- 2d Marine Division
3d MARDIV- 3d Marine Division
4th MARDIV- 4th Marine Division
1st MEB-1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade
4th MEB- 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
5th MEB- 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
6th MEB- 6th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
7th MEB- 7th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
11th MEU(SOC)- 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations
13th MEU(SOC)- 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit
15th MEU(SOC)- 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit
22d MEU(SOC)- 22d Marine Expeditionary Unit
24th MEU(SOC)-24th Marine Expeditionary Unit
26th MEU(SOC)-26th Marine Expeditionary Unit
Task Force Papa Bear- 1st Marines- RCT 1
Task Force Taro- 3d Marines- RCT 3
Task Force Grizzly- 4th Marines- RCT 4
Task Force Ripper- 7th Marines- RCT 7
Task Force King- 11th Marines
Task Force Shepherd-1st LAIBn
1st FSSG- 1st Force Service Support Group
2d FSSG- 2d Force Service Support Group (Direct Support Command)
4th FSSG
1st MAW- 1st Marine Air Wing
2d MAW- 2d Marine Air Wing
3d MAW- 3d Marine Air Wing
4th MAW- 4th Marine Air Wing
USACE - US Army Corps of Engineers
USAFE - US Air Force, Europe
USAREUR - United States Army, Europe
USASAC - US Army Security Assistance Command
USMTM - US Training Mission to Saudi Arabia
US Navy Ships Participating In Desert Shield/Storm
A.J. Higgins TAO-190
Acadia AD-42
Adroit MSO-509
Algol TAKR-287
Altair TAKR-291
America CV-66
Anchorage LSD-36
Avenger MCM-1
Antietam CG-54
Barbey FF-1088
Barbour County LST-1195
Beaufort ATS-2
Bellatrix ATS-2
Biddle CG-34
Blue Ridge LCC-19
R.G. Bradley FFG-49
Bunker Hill CG-52
Brewton FF-1086
Cape Cod AD-43
Capella TAKR-293
Caron DD-970
Cayuga LST-1186
Chauvenet TAGS-29
Chicago SSN-721
Cimmaron AO-177
Comfort TAH-20
Concord AFS-5
Curtiss TAVB-4
Curts FFG-38
Denebola TAKR-289
Denver LPD-9
Detroit AOE-4
Dubuque LPD-8
Durham LKA-114
Eisenhower CVN-69
England CG-22
Fife DD-991
Flint AE-32
Ford FFG-54
Fort McHenry LSD-43
Frederick LST-1184
Gates CG-51
Germantown LSD-42
Goldsborough DDG-20
Guam LPH-9
Gunston Hall LSD-44
H.W. Hill DD-986
Haleakala AE-25
Halyburton FFG-40
Hammond FF-1067
Hassayampa TAO-145
Hawes FFG-53
Horne CG-30
Impervious MSO-449
Independence CV-42
Iwo Jima LPH-7
J. Humphreys TAO-188
J. Rodgers DD-983
J.F. Kennedy CV-67
J.L. Hall FFG-32
Jarrett FFG-33
Jason AR-8
Jouett CG-29
Juneau LPD-10
Kalamazoo AOR-6
Kansas City AOR-3
Kidd DDG-993
Kilauea TAE-26
Kiska AE-35
La Moure County LST-1194
LaSalle AGF-3
Leader MSO-490
Leftwich DD-984
Leyte Gulf CG-55
Louisville SSN-724
MacDonough DDG-39
Manitowac LST-1180
Mars AFS-1
McInerney FFG-8
McKee AS-41
Mercury TAKR-10
Mercy TAH-19
Midway CV-41
Mississippi CGN-40
Missouri BB-63
Mobile Bay CG-53
Mobile LKA-115
Montgomery FF-1082
Moosbrugger DD-980
Mount Hood AE-29
Mount Vernon LSD-39
Nassau LHA-4
Neosha TAO-143
New Orleans LPH-11
Newport News AFS-3
Niagara Falls AFS-3
Nicholas FFG-47
Nitro AE-32
Normandy CG-60
O'Brien DD-975
Ogden LPD-5
Okinawa LPH-972
Oldendorf DD-972
Opportune ARS-41
P.F. Foster DD-964
Passumpsic TAO-107
Pensacola LSD-38
Peoria LST-1183
Philadelphia SSN-690
Philippine Sea CG-58
Pittsburgh SSN-720
Platte AO-186
Pollux TAKR-290
Ponchatoula TAO-148
Portland LSD-37
Pratt DDG-44
Preble DDG-46
Princeton Cg-59
Puget Sound AD-38
R.K. Turner CG-20
Raleigh LPD-1
Ranger CV-61
D.R. Ray DD-971
Regulus TAKR-292
Reasoner FF-1063
Reid FFG-30
S.B. Roberts FFG-58
Sacramento AOE-1
Saginaw LST-1188
Sampson DDG-10
San Bernadino LST-1189
San Diego AFS-6
San Jacinto CG-56
San Jose AFS-7
Santa Barbara AE-28
Saratoga CV-60
Savannah AOE-4
Schenectady LST-1185
Scott DDG-995
Seattle AOE-3
Shasta AE-33
Shields FF-1066
Shreveport LPD-12
Sirius TAFS-8
South Carolina CGN-37
Spartanburg County LST-1192
Spica TAFS-9
Spruance DD-963
Suribachi AE-21
Sylvania AFS-2
Taylor FFG-50
T. Roosevely CVN-71
T.C. Hart FF-1092
Tarawa LHA-1
Ticonderoga CG-47
Trenton LPD-14
Tripoli LPH-10
Valley Forge CG-50
Vancouver LPD-2
Vandergrift FFG-48
Virginia CGN-38
Vreeland FF-1068
Vulcan AR-2 W.S. Diehl TAO-193
White Plains AFS-4
Wisconsin BB-64
Worden CG-18
Wright TAVB-3
Yellowstone AD-41
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VMA - Marine Attack Squadron
VMA(AW) - Marine Attack Electronic Warfare
VMFA - Marine Fighter Attack Squadron
VMGR - Marine Transport/Aerial Refueler Squadron
VMO - Marine Observation Squadron
VTR - Vehicle, Tracked, Recovery (M88)
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