File: 120396_oct96_decls10_0002.txt
Page: 0002
Total Pages: 13
Subject: COMMAND CHRONOLOGY CDR 2ND MEDICAL BATTALION Unit: VARIOUS SHIP Parent Organization: NAVCENTCOM Box ID: BX300118 Folder Title: FOLDER 21 - 2ND MEDICAL BATTALION - 2ND FORCE SERVICE SUPPORT GROUP FLEET MARINE FORCE ATLANTIC Document Number: 2 Folder SEQ #: 56 UNCLASSIFIED U5 Jan Charlie Co began staking sites. Eight Dental Personnel assigned to Delta Co. Delta Co training: ATLS. Battalion Commander and Commanding 04ficers of Fox and Gol+ aboard. Bulldozers begin preparing sites at Al Kibrit. 06 Jan Charlie Co Advance Party departs +or Cement Ridge. Delta Co stands down. Fox Co assisted PMU staff with spraying galley while awaiting bulldozers. Bulldozers on site digging holes for hospital complex. began attending Camp Commandants meeting. 07 Jan Delta Co holds Preventive Meoicine Brief - Desert conditions/ "critters" class. Battalion Chaplain - "Sp2ritual needs". HM2 Jones assigneo from Battalion H&S Co. oe Jan H&S Co PMU detacnment departed for Al Kibrit. Charlie Co Second Party departs +or Cement Ridge. Delta Co holds Training: Mass casualty/Personal DECON/ MOPP levels. Sent two HM's to DSO-2 TAD. Fox Co at Al Kibrit set up CP tent for berthing. Discussed possibilities of working around the clock to finish on deadline. UNCLASSIFIED| First Page | Prev Page | Next Page | Back to Text |