File: 082896_apr96_decls2_0001.txt
Page: 0001
Total Pages: 3

Subject: HYDROGEN SULFIDE                                                

Box  ID: BX000047

Document Number:          5

Folder Title: MISC NBC INFO                                                                                   

Folder Seq #:         16


Parent Organzation: ARCENT      

                                                                           1(3 NOV 9c)

                                      INFORMATION PAPER

         SUBJECT: Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) (U)

         1.        PLLt-POSe. To provide info on the hydrogen Sulfide (H-@S)
         threat in the fl.L(viaiti theater of operations.

         2. (U) Facts.

                              -F                                          -.levels of
             a.M        Ail 0    i'LLVJait'S oilfields  contain    ar i ous
         H2S which could present adverse effects to Liriprntecteli
         per-. sorin e Iin the event c)-F uncontrolled wellhead explosions, a
         threat to  personnel safety e,@ists.

             b.         H2S is a cloudless, flammable and to@,ic compound
         ki-sown to provide a. full range of effects On Ltnpr-lotE-cted
         personnel. Primarily -=t respiratory hazard, H2S in low
         concentrations can cause irritation to the eyes and mucus
         nembr,@nes of the nose, mouth and throat. In higher
         concentrations the ga.5 has the distinct smell of "rotten eggs"
         and                                                       The gas is
             can C@Ltt;e death +or unprotected personnel.
         heavier than air and disperses at cirr@L-tnd level.

             c.(ILJ)(@ The L>@plosivL, characteristics OF K2S -:%re an
         additional cause of concern.        E,,,,plosive limiti$@'@f H2S in the ai.-
             si,milar to gasoline. Ignition of the gas still most likely
         only, come- from, afi e@ct@-rnal cate.1 yst due to the hi q@ temperatures
         required (500 deg r@ahrenhgit) -For spontaneous@c;ombttFtion.
             J.@,       Prior to operating in areas of t,nown H2@D coi-icc-n@,rA-
         @'ion, personnel should don the protective mast,..         H2S is not a
         protective fnas@.. penetralor. Protective mas@, filters will
      protect against H2S penetration for the life of the filter.
         Personnel can e),,pect to detect the rotten egg smell associated
         with       thus indicating the need to replace -Filters.

             e.         Iraqi troops are assessed to have the ability to
         protect themselves against F12S. Soviet/Warsaw Pact or-otectivl-
         fnasl..-.s in the Iraqi inventory provide protection agai@at H2S.

                                              CLPISSIFIZI)       MULTIPLE EC(UF.ZCES
                                              DECLASSIFY ON-     CA@'

                                                          CPT Miller, 9-765(@-124

                                                                DOD I)IR 59"09;41
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