[1] Tab A contains acronyms, abbreviations, and a glossary.
[2] Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence, Foreign Materiel Program, Memorandum, Subject: "[Redacted] Scud Missile," October 3, 1995; Persian Gulf Illnesses Investigation Team, Status Report, Subject: "Scud Missile Part," no date; Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), Letter, November 2, 1995.
[3] Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence, Foreign Materiel Program, Memorandum, Subject: "[Redacted] Scud Missile," October 3, 1995.
[4] The Persian Gulf Illnesses Investigation Team is the predecessor organization to the Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses, Investigation and Analysis Directorate.
[5] Incident Report 459001155 Incident Description: Scud Alerts near King Fahd Military Airport, September 13, 1995, and Incident Report 459001166 Incident Description: Scud Alerts near King Fahd Military Airport, September 14, 1995.
[6] Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence, Foreign Materiel Program, Memorandum, Subject: "[Redacted] Scud Missile," October 3, 1995; and Ninth US Air Force Air Combat Command, "Special Study of the 347th's Participation in Desert Shield/Desert Storm: January - December 1991, Volume. 1," June 30, 1992.
[7] Air Force, Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center, Message: Serial Number S/DQ/148-81, February 27, 1991; Unidentified United States Central Command organization, "Scud Launch/Kill Summary;" 82nd Airborne Division, "Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log," January 21, 1991.
[8] Persian Gulf Illnesses Investigation Team, Memorandum, Subject: "Request for Analytical Support," December 5, 1995.
[9] Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Metal Scrap Final Report," December 12, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Hand-written results of analysis signed by analyst, October 13, 1995; Chemical and Biological Defense Command, Email, Subject: "DISUM," October 19, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Analytical Chemistry Team, Subject: "Analysis Metal Scrap: OTH22395," October 5, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, File on Sample #OTH22395, November 1996.
[10] Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Metal Scrap Final Report," December 12, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Hand-written results of analysis signed by analyst, October 13, 1995; Chemical and Biological Defense Command, Email, Subject: "DISUM," October 19, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Analytical Chemistry Team, Subject: "Analysis Metal Scrap: OTH22395," October 5, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, File on Sample #OTH22395, November 1996.
[11] Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Metal Scrap Final Report," December 12, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Hand-written results of analysis signed by analyst, October 13, 1995; Chemical and Biological Defense Command, Email, Subject: "DISUM," October 19, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Analytical Chemistry Team, Subject: "Analysis Metal Scrap: OTH22395," October 5, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, File on Sample #OTH22395, November 1996.
[12] Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Metal Scrap Final Report," December 12, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Hand-written results of analysis signed by analyst, October 13, 1995; Chemical and Biological Defense Command, Email, Subject: "DISUM," October 19, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Analytical Chemistry Team, Subject: "Analysis Metal Scrap: OTH22395," October 5, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, File on Sample #OTH22395, November 1996.
[13] United States Army, Missile Command Structures Directorate, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Sample (Steel Fragment) (U)," June 2, 1994.
[14] Persian Gulf Illnesses Investigation Team, Memorandum, Subject: "Scud Piece Referred to PGIT by [Redacted] for Analysis," December 20, 1996.
[15] Persian Gulf Illnesses Investigation Team, Memorandum, Subject: "Request from [Redacted]," December 8, 1995; Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Clinical Services), Letter, July 15, 1996; Persian Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses Investigation Team, Letter, May 2, 1996.
[16] United States Army, Missile Command Structures Directorate, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Sample (Steel Fragment) (U)," June 2, 1994.
[17] Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence, Foreign Materiel Program, Memorandum, Subject: "[Redacted] Scud Missile," October 3, 1995.
[18] Persian Gulf Illnesses Investigation Team, Memorandum, Subject: "Request for Analytical Support," December 5, 1995.
[19] Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Memorandum, Subject: "Analysis of Metal Scrap Final Report," December 12, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Hand-written results of analysis signed by analyst, October 13, 1995; Chemical and Biological Defense Command, Email, Subject: "DISUM," October 19, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, Analytical Chemistry Team, Subject: "Analysis Metal Scrap: OTH22395," October 5, 1995; Edgewood Research and Development Engineering Center, File on Sample #OTH22395, November 1996.
[20] For information on Iraq's Scud missile program and the effects of IRFNA, see Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses, "Scud Information Paper" (Information Paper), July 25, 2000, web site www.gulflink.health.mil/scud_info/; and Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses, "Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid" (Information Paper), August 3, 1999, web site www.gulflink.health.mil/irfna/.
[21] Iowa State University, web site www.cif.iastate.edu/MassSpec/ci.html (as of July 11, 2000).
[22] Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions, 3rd edition, ed. John H. Dirckx, M.D., Baltimore, Maryland, Williams & Wilkins, 1997, [on Compact Disk].
[23] Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary, web site www.m-w.com (as of July 3, 2000).
Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions, 3rd edition, ed. John H.
Dirckx, M.D.,
Baltimore, Maryland, Williams & Wilkins, 1997, [on Compact Disk]
[25] Scimedia, web site scimedia.com/chem-ed/sep/lc/ion-chro.htm (as of March 17, 2000).
[26] Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary, web site www.m-w.com (as of July 13, 2000).
[27] Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary, web site www.m-w.com (as of July 13, 2000).
[28] Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions, 3rd edition., ed. John H. Dirckx, M.D., Baltimore, Maryland, Williams & Wilkins, 1997, [on Compact Disk].
[29] "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction," April 29, 1997. This chemical weapons convention was opened for signature in Paris, France, on January 13, 1993. It has been signed by 165 states and ratified or acceded by 106 states as of February 1998. It was signed by the United States on January 13, 1993, and ratified on April 25, 1997. Part XI of the convention, "Investigations in Cases of Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons," details some of the procedures. Other protocols and guidelines were found in Methodology and Instrumentation for Sampling and Analysis in the Verification of Chemical Disarmament, The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 1985; Verification Methods, Handling, and Assessment Of Unusual Events In Relation To Allegations of the Use of Novel Chemical Warfare Agents, Consultant University of Saskatchewan in conjunction with the Verification Research Unit of External Affairs and International Trade Canada, March 1990; and Handbook for the Investigation of Allegations of the Use of Chemical or Biological Weapons, Department of External Affairs, Department of National Defence, Health and Welfare Canada, and Agriculture Canada, November 1985. US Army Field Manual 3-4, US Marine Corps Fleet Marine Force Manual 11-9, "NBC Protection," May 1992; US Army Field Manual 8-285, US Navy NAVMED P-5041, US Air Force Manual 44-149, US Marine Corps Fleet Marine Force Manual 11-11 (adopted as NATO Field Manual 8-285), "Treatment Of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Military Chemical Injuries," December 22, 1995; US Army Field Manual 19-20, "Law Enforcement Investigations," November 25, 1985; and other DoD investigational procedures contributed ideas for developing this methodology.
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