Bernstein, Jonathan A. MD et
al. Evaluation of Persian Gulf War Veterans And Their Sexual Partners
with Burning Semen Syndrome. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
Project attempting to 1) identify Persian Gulf War couples experiencing
Burning Semen Syndrome; 2) to determine if these symptoms represent an
immunologic, infectious and/or toxicologic etiology; and 3) to determine
if there is a causal relationship between Burning Semen Syndrome and Persian
Gulf War exposures.
Boden, Leslie I. PhD. et al. The Impact of The Gulf War on the Earnings
of Mobilized National Guard and Reservists. Boston University School of
Public Health. Discusses the impact the Gulf War had on the earning potential
of Reservists and National Guard and the possibility that this may contribute
to health problems.
Bourdette, Dennis N. et al.
Immune Response to A Leishmania Tropica Recombinant Protein Among Persian
Gulf War Veterans: Results From a Case-Control Study. Portland Environmental
Hazards Research Center. Summary of a study done to determine if Viscerotropic
leishmaniasis might explain the health problems of some veterans.
Hyman, Edward S. MD, et al. Apparently Successful Treatment of Desert
Storm Syndrome Louisiana Medial Foundation. Summarizes a proposed study
of possible treatment approach to unexplained illness based on previous
successful treatments of veterans and their family members.
McPhaul, KM et al. Communicating Exposure Assessment and Clinical Outcome
Results to Veterans Exposed to Depleted Uranium During the Gulf War. University
of Maryland, School of Medicine. Discusses the challenge of disseminating
information regarding exposure to depleted uranium to those that were
Milner, BI et al. Gallbladder Disease in Gulf War Veterans. John D. Dingell
VAMC. Summarizes a study done on rates of gall bladder problems in Gulf
War veterans in relation to the rest of the VA population.
Nicholson, Garth, Treatment of Systemic Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf
War Illness, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Syndromes. The Institute
for Molecular Medicine. Discusses the possibility that Gulf War illness
is due to multiple exposures to chemical, radiological and biological
agents and that cause multifactorial illnesses, some of which are transmittable
to immediate family members. or
Reed, Robert J. et al. The Seabee Health Study. Progress After 9 Months
of Data Collection. Emerging Illness Division. Summary of study on all
NavySeabees who served during the Persian Gulf War and their environmental
exposures and morbidity rates to look for evidence of chronic disease.