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PAGE 4                                      THE SCOPE                                      JANUARY, 1991

The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania National Guard Scholarship Fund-announced the award of a scholarship grant of $250.00 to A1C Kristi L. Cassell: Eighty-nine applications were received and twenty-five individuals were recipients of the scholarship grant. The grant is contingent upon her continued affiliation as a member of the Pennsylvania National Guard during the 1990-91 academic year. This is an annual grant and is not continuous. Airman Cassell is a second year student at Millersville University., majoring in Communications. She is an administrative specialist in Public Affairs.

The scholarship fund is entirely dependent upon voluntary gifts for its continued existence. The unit members who support ;his program are to be commended as well as Airman Cassell.

The following letter reached our unit recently!
 President Bush has recently called to action our military reservists. Many of the families of these personnel will be under both personal and financial hardship during this period as they will be asked to take salaries lower than they currently earn.

Commonwealth Security Systems, Inc., in an effort to support our President and the personnel who are prepared to serve our Country, will provide free monitoring for any families that are under hardship due to a member being called to active reserve. We will provide the monitoring for as long as the crisis involves that family.

In addition, some families may be concerned about their security while their family member is away on active duty. If you know of a family that is in this situation, Commonwealth Security Systems, Inc. will install a basic alarm system at cur cost to pro-
vide for their family's security while their family member provides for ours. In addition, we will provide free monitoring during the time that the reservist is serving our country.

We are privileged to help in this small way. It in no way compares to the sacrifice others may be required to make.


Patrick M. Egan,

 The Pennsylvania National Guard Foundation annual fund raiser is soliciting your support.  The purpose of the Pennsylvania National Guard Foundation is to provide relief and emergency assistance to disabled or needy members of the Pennsylvania National Guard who are distressed or under privileged. This is accomplished through loans and grants.  Funds collected will also be used for Emergency Relief, PNG Scholarship Fund, Family Support Group and Recreation and Morale.

Suggested donations are $2 from each enlisted person, $5 from each senior enlisted person (E-6 - E-9), and $10 from officers. Larger contributions are welcomed. Contributions for this worthy cause are being collected by Lt. Col. Kuhn.

The CBPO semi-annual retirement briefing is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 6 at 1 PM in the civil engineering classroom located in building 78-This briefing is for all personnel who have accrued or will accrue 20 satisfactory years towards retirement within the next 12months.

The topics that will be covered are: reserve component survivor benefit plan, medical benefits, Bx and commissiary benefits, retired pay, other retirement benefits. Members are encouraged to bring their spouses, since the Information applies to both the member and dependents. It you plan to attend, please contact the CBPO at Ext. 448.

 It is very hard to see her leave, but TSgt Connie Wagner is saying, "Farewell." has faithfully performed the duties of editor of this newsletter for many years. Januarymarks the end of her 6 year hitch. To say she did an outstanding job is an understate-
ment Connie has always gone above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that you have received the news you need to keep you up to date on 193rd happenings.

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