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                                                MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
                                                        Between the
                                             FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION
                                                          and the
                                                   DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
                                             CONCERNING INVESTIGATIONAL USE OF
                                            DRUGS, ANTIBIOTICS, BIOLOGICS, AND
                                       MEDICAL DEVICES BY THE DEPAATMENT OF DEFENSE
                                                                         I. PURPOSE
              This agreement between the Department of Defense (DOD)
              and the Food and Drug Admin1stration (FOA) establishes the
              procedures to be followed regarding the investigational use
              of drugs, including antibiotics and biologics, and medical
              devices by DoD.  This Memorandum of Understending (MOU), when
              signed by the representatives of the agencies, replaces the.
              previous MOU on this subject signed in 1974
                                                                      II BACKGROUND
              Sections 505(a) and 507 of the Federal Food, Drug, and
              Cosmetic Act ("the Act") establish procedures for the
              approval required before a new drug or antibiotic can be
              introduced into interstate commerce Sections 505S(i) and
              507(d) of the Act (21 U S C 355(i), 357(d)) provide
              authority for the Secretery to exempt from the drug approval
              procedures new drugs and antibiotics which will be used for
              investigational purposes.   Section 520(g) of the Act (21
              U S C 360(g)) provides authority for the Secretary to exempt
              from the devic. approval procedures devices which will be
              used for investigational purposes. Section 351 of the Public
              Health Service Act establishes procedures for the approval
              required before a biological product can be introduced into
              interstate commerce.
              Regulatlons governing investigational new drugs,
              investigational antibiotics, and investigational biologics
              are published at 21 CFR 312; for investigational medical

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