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	"Let it be your show	Do You Know  The second former general to
	all men everywhere not only what			serve as president of the United
	good soldiers you are, but what			States (George Washington was
	good men you are."				the first)?
			Woodrow Wilson
			US president				answer on page 2

Deployment Day No. 44                   Sept. 22. 1990                       Public Affairs

                                                    				 Colonel Smith said that once typhoid
                                                  			enters the camp it can be passed in food.
    * The base sirens will be tested Tuesday      	               water and from person to person,.
about 1 p.m. All camp people should be able       	He said that the typhoid is a bacteria
to hear a one-minute steady tone, Disaster        	               which infects the gastro intestinal tract
Preparedness asks everybody to report their        	much like the AGI distress cases that were
ability to hear the siren to their first        		going on recently.  Along with scouring
sergeant, supervisor or commander.                  	diarrhea, a high fever sets in and the
    * MWR and Public Affairs have       		disease spreads to the liver, gall bladder
televisions and VCRs for people to watch        	                and the spleen.
amateur home Videos they receive from          		 "It is treatable with antibiotics, but
family and friends. This equipment will be        	the quickness of this disease can claim
used in the PA or MWR tents, not for sign-        	fatalities," he said.
out.                                                  			The colonel said that a mandatory shot
    * The new CSG first sergeant is MSgt.        	                record check would start Sept. 26 through 28
William Griffin.                                    		and people must report to the Tent Town
    * Tent City Clinic is open 7:30 a.m. to       	               Clinic (green tent) between 7 to 11 am. and
5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m., to 1:30        	1 to 4 p.m.  Shots will be given during those
p.m. Saturday, and closed Sunday. The main	               times as well.
times as well hospital is open 24 hours.

                                                  		 TECHS, MASTERS MAY REQUEST HYT WAIVERS
                                                        			Technical and master sergeants whose
  An outbreak of typhoid in the northern         	               adjusted high year of tenure rendered them
edge of the Arabian Peninsula has military        	ineligible for the next promotion cycle may
medical personnel scrambling to inventory        	request HYT waivers for one additional
vaccination stocks and set up shot-record       	               promotion cycle, according to PERSCO chief
checks.                                           			SMSgt. J.P, Morgan,
   The chief of hospital services, Lt. Col,
Don Smith, says that the spread of typhoid is           	 	Technical sergeants with a January to
usually one of the by-products associated       	               June, 1991, HYT may request an extension to
with crowded and filthy conditions of refugee                  July. Master sergeants with a January to
camps, which have formed along Saudis                          February HYT may request April.
Arabia's border.                                         		Check with PERSCO for more information.
   "Typhoid spreads incredibly fast and       		
makes people incredibly sick." Lt. Col,		CHAPEL SCHEDULE
Smith said.                                                       		  Protestant
   He said that even though we are pretty        	                 Sun, 9 am. , Worship Service in MWR Warehouse
far from the outbreak, there are many people                     Sun, 6:30 p.m. , Evening Worship Service
in this camp who rotate around the theater        	 Mon - Sat, 9 am, , Prayer and Share
and the possibility exists that an       		                 Mon - Sat. 6:30 p.m., Bible Study
individual whose immunity level to typhoid        	  Bible Study, Daily, 9 p.m., except Tuesday
has not been recharged with a vaccination,        	  and Saturday
could return here with the disease and spread      	   Holy Communion is the first Sunday morning
it to others,                                      		                  service and the third Sunday evening services
   "A typhoid shot is required every three       	                 of each month.
years and as people deployed for this                    	  Latter Day Saints, Sunday. 9
operation their shot record was checked,"                           am, In Chapel Office Tent
the colonel said.                                    		  Church of Christ, Sunday, 11 a.m.,
    "But some records showed the typhoid
vaccination still current for a few months               		 Catholic
and those people were not given shots," he                         Sat, 8 p.m., Anticipated Sunday
added. 						  Mass
   He said that the hospital here was well		  Sun, 9 a.m., Catholic Mass
stocked with vaccinations and urged everyone	                 Mon - Fri, B a.m.,  Morning Prayer
to pull out their mobility folder and look at		  Mon - Fri, 8 p.m., Daily Mass
their shot record,                                 		 Mon, Wed, Fri, I p.m. , Rosary
   `This is a pretty severe disease and it's        	                Reconciliation (Confession), Before Mass and
much worse than anything we've seen," he       	                 upon request
said.                                                		                Faith inquiry, Tuesday after Mass

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