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              Deployment Day no. 48                                                      Page 2

        SNAKES Continued
                   "Keeping shoes off the
              floor prevents snakes and
               scorpions from making a nest
              of them," he said.
	The major said that a cooler season ahead
will change the time period for snakes and
scorpions to be out during the day.
	"People walking around the camp or the 
base should not wear open-toed sandals,
especially at night," he said.
	He recommended carrying a flashlight at
 night as well.
	The major said that the most commonly
encountered poisonous snake here is the "saw-
scaled viper" which is sandy colored with
dark brown oblong spots and has a diamond            
shaped head. It varies in length from one to 
two feet.
	"The size of the snake doesn't dictate
the amount of venom it carries," he said.
	"Still, the hospital can treat snake-bite
victims, and scorpion stings aren't fatal," 
he added. 
   The major said that anyone who thinks
they've been bitten or stung should "stay
calm and have someone take them to the       		 CHAPEL SCHEDULE CHANGES
hospital immediately."
   He cautioned against trying to apply       	With their new tent complete, the Chapel
first aid techniques.                        		staff has adjusted the schedule so all
   "There is plenty of time for treatment.  	 services may be held in the new facility.
No one has ever died from a snake bite here,"   Here's the new schedule, effective
he said.                                       		 immediately:
                                               			Sun, 10 am., Worship Service
                                             			Sun, 6:30 pm., Evening Worship Service
SEXUAL HARASSMENT "RUDE,           	 Holy Communion is the first Sunday morning
 DISTASTEFUL"                         	 	service and the third Sunday evening service
   If someone feels sexually harassed,      	of each month.
either physically or verbally, the Air Force   	Mon - Sat. 9 am., Prayer and Share
considers it sexual harassment, according to      Mon - Sat. 6:30 p.m., Bible Study
Social Actions.                              		Bible Study, Daily. 9 p.m. except Tuesday
   Remarks or phrases like `Hey baby, you      	and Saturday
look good in those tight-fitting jeans," or       	Latter Day Saints, Sunday. 8 am.
"Come into my tent and talk for a while," may  	Church of Christ, Sunday, 11 am.
seem harmless or not bother some people, but
others may be offended, said SSgt. Reggie              	Catholic
Freeman of Social Actions.                         	Sat, 8 p.m., Anticipated Sunday
   " It's rude and distasteful ," said                         Mass
Sergeant Freeman. "If people take offense             Sat, 8:30 p.m., Social
with these remarks, it's sexual harassment.           Sun, 9 a.m., Catholic Mass
  The sergeant added that people have been       Mon - Fri, 8 a.m., Morning Prayer
enjoying "girl-watching" for a long time, and      Mon - Fri, 8 p.m., Daily Mass
that doing so in a respectable manner is more
pleasant than being at the end of a slap.            Mon, Wed, Fri, 1 p.m., Rosary "We should respect and take care of each   			Reconciliation (Confession).Before Mass and
other, said Sergeant Freeman. We have to        upon request
rely on one another a lot in this environment        Faith inquiry, Tuesday after Mass
 and sexual harassment only breaks down that
   He added that mutual respect is the key           MOVIE SCHEDULE
  to good teamwork and can make the difference
 "between mission success or failure.                  Today - "Monster Squad"
            Trivia Answer:                         		Thursday - "Down and out
                                                              		In Beverly Hills"
           100,166                                     			(Comedy)               
                                             			Showtimes are 8 a.m., 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.
                                              			Movie schedule subject to change.

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