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"The direction in which     		 Do You Know  The number of active duty 
education starts a man will                			military personnel at the end 
determine his future life."                         		of the 19th century?

               -Plato                                 			answer on page 2
           Greek philosopher

                     TENT TOWN TALKER
Deployment Day No. 48       Sept. 25, 1990              Public Affairs

   * Americans must be aware of host country 
sensitivities here. The Omanis have expressed 	 	Snake and scorpion sightings aren't
their desire that everyone wear shirts in    	 rumors and health officials are urging camp
public, but Americans continue to walk down   	members to understand why these pest might
the main road without shirts. Shirts are    	find their way into a tent and why people are
required when walking outside Tent city,   	seeing them more often.
including to and from the swimming pool.    	        Maj. Howard Pue, chief of environmental
                                            			health services, believes the reduced
* Mandatory shot-record checks are today  	construction traffic lessened the pests' fear
Thursday and Friday from 7 to 11 a.m. and 1     	of the areas.
to 4 p.m. in the Immunization Clinic (green            " I don't think
tent), next to Tent city Clinic. Hospital                  people should be
officials say everyone must take shot records      alarmed, but should
to ensure vaccinations are current.                  	 take some precautions
   * Today's the deadline to enter the chess       	to help avoid these pests,"
tournament.  Stop by MWR for more information.        the major said.

COMMANDERS' HOTLINE                          	       He said the best precaution is to avoid
                                               			dropping food inside and outside the tent.
    The commanders' hotline welcomes         	He said that food attracts insects and
questions, comments, complaints and           	rodents, which in turn attracts snakes and
suggestions. Items of general interest to          	 scorpions.
the whole camp will be printed in this         		"That's why most of the sightings have
column. For those who would like a personal 	been around dumpsters, but sightings could
response. please include your name and unit  	begin in the tents as well," he said.
with your comment. Deposit hotlines items in  	"The food you drop on the floor sets the
the box at the Dining Tent.                   		food chain in motion and at the end of that
                                              			food chain is a snake or a scorpion," Major
   Q: Would it be possible to have an        	Pue said.
  operator-to-operator morale call            		He said that another attraction is piled
 system? This way we wouldn't have          	rocks or boards (like sun decks).
to spend so much time trying to get      		These kind of areas provide a shady
through.                                			habitat, especially for snakes."  he said.
  A: Since we'd still be competing        			The major  also urged people 
with other sites in the theater for                	to be tidier.
limited AUTOVON lines, an operator-intercept   	        "If you're one of those people who has a
system would not improve our chances.       	 hard time picking up after yourself, this is
    Likewise, calls initiated from the        		a good reason for keeping your areas clean,"
states would further reduce chances of       	he said.
calling out since incoming calls would        		Major Pue also suggested that before
compete for the same phone lines. Also,    	 going to bed people should tie their shoes to
coordinating calls from the states would be       	 tent straps inside the tent.
impossible to regulate and complete within             		See SNAKES Next Page
the 10-minute limit.                                 	IN THE NEWS
    So far, we've enjoyed a two-thirds
success rate for morale calls. Please 		     NEW YORK --- The United Nations Security
patient and use the system within the       	 council voted to extend the embargo against
established rules so everyone has a chance        Iraq end Kuwait to include air traffic.
for a successful morale call.

                                            			 WASHINGTON, D.C. --- American military
MALARIA PILLS REQUIRED HERE          	 officials now say there are about 430,000
                                            			Iraqi soldiers in and around Kuwait. Pentagon
    Although the malaria risk here isn't       	sources say the Iraqis are mostly in
high, hospital officials say the seriousness       	defensive positions.
of the disease warrants that all personnel
take malaria prevention pills.                 		LONDON --- Boxer George Foreman, 42.
    Malaria pills are required once a week,  	 knocked out fellow American Terry Anderson
and unless given the malaria pill at your    	with an overhand right just before the end of
duty section, people will receive them on    	the first round in their heavyweight fight
Sundays at the Dining Tent.                         	Tuesday night.

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