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File: aaaon_01.txt
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                       LGS Happenings

DISCUSSION: Between 1030 and 1100 hours on 24 Nov 90, a 50,000
gallon fuel bladder ruptured at Jeddah (New). Bladder held
approximately 42,000 gallons of fuel. Cause of spill was
materiel defect, seam split.

IMMEDIATE ACTIONS:  Recovery operations implemented immediately.
Anticipate approximately half (20,000 gals) of the fuel can be
reclaimed via pumps and filters. Local fire department, safety,
environmental engineers and the host nation counterparts notified.

LONG TERM ACTIONS: Excavation of the top soil layer is likely,
requiring the site to be backfilled with sand. Contaminated
soil will be moved to an isolated area and allowed to air-dry.
Water samples will be periodically obtained; we do not expect fuel
to get into the water system.


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