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File: aaavw_01.txt
Page: 01
Total Pages: 4

         I.  PERSONNEL. 
             l.  PROVISIONAL WING. 
                  -  Senior NCO (MSgt or above), PCS, AFSC 24290 
            2.  DETACHMENTS AND FOL. 
            	     -  One 24270 (SSgt or TSgt), TDY to each location. 
                     Tour of duty would be 90-179 days. 
              1.  PROVISIONAL WING -  This individual will be the focal 
         point for wing NBC operations.  They will provide continuity 
         for the overall program; establishing guidance and assisting 
         detachment personnel.  Will assist CENTAF in orchestrating NBC 
         activities into future exercises and/or real world contingencies. 
         Will establish normal (AFR 355-1) Disaster Preparedness program 
         for provisional wing personnel.  Will assist host nation in 
         establishing/monitoring NBC Defense program if requested. 
              2.  DETACHMENTS AND FOL - These individuals will establish 
         NBC defense capability at each location.  They will provide NBC 
         training and maintain an NBC equipment package.  They will ensure 
         unit warning, sheltering, and NBC recovery procedures are 
         established.  Also, they will be the focal point for major 
         accident response. 

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