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File: aaazh_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 2

    7. MAIL RESTRICTIONS: No outgoing mail larger than envelopes, weighing more 
    than ll ounces, will be accepted through the Military Postal System. Outgoing audio/video  
    cassettes, film, packages, etc., will not be accepted and returned to sender. Mail  
    is restricted because Military Airlift Command and civilian airlines refuse to  
    transport mail that has not been screened for explosives or other contraband.  
    Screening equipment has been ordered by the Postal Squadron at Riyadh and as soon as  
    they receive.and install the equipment, mail will return to normal. Note - Mail  
    restrictions apply to official mail as well. (OPT: [(b)(2)] 

    8. OPEN BURNINING: Open burning is not allowed.on the.flight line. All trash and  
    wood scraps should be taken to the base dump for disposal. (OPR:[(b)(2)]

    9. SELF HELP CONSTPUCTION-TENT CITY: All construction in tent city must first be  
    approved by CE. Wood is a precious resource and there is just not enough for  
    building decks and other modifications to your tent. Cement walkways are not  
    authorized. Occupant who fail to receive CE approval may have to tear down what  
    they've already built.  [(b)(2)] 

    lO. FIELD LAUNDRY: The field laundry is up and running 24 hours a day. The  
    commercial laundry is still open.- Personnel now have two ways to clean their  
    clothes. Therefore, you are asked to refrain from doing your laundry in a mop  
    bucket. This wastes water and is not all that sanitary. Assigned laundry days for  
    the field laundry are as follows:

                             Last # of SSAN

                             0-1 Wed
                             2-3 Thurs 
                             4-5 Fri
                             6-7 Sat 
                             8-9 Sun
                                 Mom  -  Bulk drop of for hospital
                                 Tues  - Closed for equipment maintenance

    If you run out of clothes before your day comes up, you can still do your  
    laundry. You may have to wait a little longer for it. (OPR: SVS)

   11. HEALTH HAZAD: It's been brought to our attention that some personnel are  
    urinating in empty water bottle, and placing them outside their tent for
    the refuse pecple to pickup. This misconduct is not only unsanitary, but it can  
    also spread disease.. and will not be tolerated. Violators may face
     disciplinary action. (OPR: Bio-Environmental Engineering)           .

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