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File: aabas_05.txt
Page: 05
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	(4) It is recommended that paper items which are disposable, such as scrub suits, gowns and bed 
linens as well as drapes, be used. This obviates the need for laundering cloth materials.

g. LABORATORY SERVICES. The laboratory Services performed very well with minimum of difficulty. 
Problem areas were as follows:

	(1) Dated reagents. Some reagents were expired when the deployment started. It is recommended 
that all laboratory WRM dated items be stored in one area and monitored.

	(2) Maintenance support, Maintenance support for the Laboratory analyzers was limited or not 
available. It is recommended that consideration be given to providing regional repair facilities in 
the deployed theater for calibrating and repairing deployed laboratory equipment.

	(3) Limited refrigeration space. It is recommended that the two small blood bank refrigerators 
on the TA now be replaced with a larger capacity unit. It is recommended that an additional 
refrigeration unit be added for storage of chemical reagents requiring controlled temperature.

	(4) Blood alcohol and drug abuse screening. The frequent requests for blood alcohol and drug 
abuse screening tests from commanders necessitates the ability to do these tests at the deployed site. 
A central lab in theaters of deployment to do these tests would be very useful.

h. X-RAY DEPARTMENT. The X-ray Department performed in exemplary fashion providing high quality 
radiographs in the deployed theater. Problems noted were as follows:

	(1) Three technicians are deemed inadequate and it is recommended that one additional technician 
be deployed with the ATH.

	(2) X-ray film processor. The X-ray film processor malfunctioned
twice in August necessitating processing of films by hand. It is recommended
that manual backup processing supplies including trays and chemistries be
added to the TA.

	(3) The Picker MXM portable exposure unit failed during the deployment It is recommended that 
ATHs deploy with two portable X-ray machines as failure of this critical resource could be costly 
especially during mass casualty situations.

i. ANESTHESIA. The Anesthesia Department functioned in exemplary fashion through this deployment 
supporting cases in the Operating Room as well as in the Dental Clinic. Problem areas were as follows:

	(1) Inadequate patient monitoring devices. Pulse oximeters, FIO2 monitors, blood pressure 
monitoring apparatus should be included on the TA.

(2) Waste gas. No provision exists to vent waste was from the OR
Iso-shelter. This should be designed into and Iso-shelter should be modified
to accommodate venting of anesthesia gases.


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