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File: aabbd_01.txt
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       ce: A1 Kharj AFB, Saudi Arabia            Date: 28 January l991
         operation Hours: 0520-1450 Hours 	 FMC Rate:    	 92%
No. Bombs Dropped:            46		 No. Planes:   	 32
No. Wing Tanks Dropped:      0       	 No. Sorties:         25
No. Battle Damaged A/C:	      0 		 No. Code One:    14
No. Ground Aborts:              11		 No. Code Two:      3
No. Air Aborts:                       2                    No. Code Three:    8
         MISSION I: During warm-up, CAM Sqn. experienced four ground
aborts. Aircraft nos. 302 and 305 bad Emergency Power Unit (EPU)
problems, no. 314 a right boost pump problem and no. 525 a pilot
survival beacon problem. A/C nos. 314, 302 and 325 were replaced by
nos. 295, 312 and 321. For aircraft no. 305, tbe problem occurred too
late in the warm-up to get a replacement. Seven SCANG F-l6's took off
carrying two Mark-84 bombs apiece. All seven returned from their
targets without dropping their wing tanks or suffering battle damage.
The seven F-l6's dropped all bombs over tbe targets.
        Lead Pilot: Capt. Jeffrey C. Gurney         A/C Tail No.: 299
        MISSION II: ProblemS continued to plague CAM Sqn. during tbe
morning missions. Wbile warming-up, four aircraft aborted and only one
replacement was found. A/C no. 325 bad Code Tbree pod problems, no.
     `7 had EPU problems, no. 295 had a fuel leak and was replaced by A/C
         294, no. 532 had a Halon leak and no. 319 was a " sympathy" abort.
As a result, only five aircraft carrying two Mark-84 bomba apiece took
off for this mission.
      On tbe way to the targets, aircraft no. 294 aborted for a Code
Three ECM pod problem. With four F-l6's remaining, SCANG pilots flew
on to tbe targets and dropped all of their bombs. None of the planes
dropped their wing tanks and none bad any battle damage. Pilots
reported smoke obscuring tbe target area.
        Lead Pilot: Major Waymond C. Nutt          A/C Tail No.: 306
       MISSION III: Bad luck during warm-ups continued as tbe pilot in
aircraft no. 290 reported that the engine would not "rotate." This
failure of the F16's engine to start, reduced the number of planes for
this mission to seven as no spare was available. The SCANG aircraft
were configured to carry two Mark-84 bombS apiece for this sortie.
Also, during warm-up the TAC command operations unit asked if the SCANG
could fly additional missions today. Due to the many problems with
aircraft, SCANG declined.
     All seven aircraft dropped their bombs and none dropped their wing
tanks. None of tbe seven aircraft sustained any battle damage during
the mission.
     Lead Pilot: Major Barry K. Coln                  A/C Tail No.: 304

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