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File: aabbq_01.txt
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FROM:  33TFW/WE                                                                    06 Jan 91                                                

SUBJECT: Weekly Weather History 30 Dec 90 - 05 Jan 91

1. This week in weather definitely made history. During the period 31 Dec 90
through 01 Jan 91, 1.60 inches of rain fell in the local area.  A strong 1ow
pressure system was sitting to our west and a mass of clouds continuously moved
in from the west bringing with it continuous light rain. CIoud cover was
significant and it caused the cancellation of four local sorties. All other
missions were accomplished, but hindered by the extensive cloud cover in the
northern half of the peninsula. I realize 1.60 inches doesn't seem a lot, but
when you consider that the average annual rainfall for this area is 2.50 inches,
this was very significant. Minor flooding was experienced throughout the base
as a result of the rainfall.  By 02 Jan 91 most of the cloud mass was to our
east and the rain had ended.

2. The rest of the week was mostly dominated by high pressure keeping skies
partly cloudy with afternoon fair weather clouds. Winds remained relatively
light throughout the rest of the week and all the moisture on the ground gave
no chance of a sandstorm. Increased moisture did lead to some early morning
f�g which quietly burned off after sunrise

3. Temperatures remained cool throught the beginning of the week due to the
cloud cover and once it cleared, temperatures warmed during the daytime and
cooled at night due to the clear skies. The average high for tbe week was
58 degrees Fahrenheit and the average low was a seasonal 40.


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