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                                          DESERT SHIELD EMBLEM    

     TDY ORDERS EXTENDED                     The change became effective Jan. 1 and
		                                        effects the collection rate of meal
As TDY orders approach the initial 179-     charges for officers under field
day point, they will be extended an addi-     conditions deployed in support of
tional 179 days by home station CBPOs.      Operation Desert Storm or unit essential
     "This extension is for administrative       messing.
purposes only and does not imply that a          The daily breakdown of meal charges
358-day tour has been established for           are: breakfast --- S1.00; lunch --- $1.65
Operation Desert Storm," said [(b)(6)]          and dinner --- $1.65.
             chief of KKIA's PERSCO.               Once the TDY for Operation Desert
     Amendments to TDY orders will not be   Shield or Desert Storm is completed,
forwarded to members in the theater but       officers will be able to file an AF Form
will be retained by CBPO Personnel Readi-  1162 for specific meals not consumed
ness Units (PRUs). For this reason,               under field duty or essential unit
members should report to the PRU upon       messing. This form will be filed with
return to home station to obtain amend-        the TDY completion travel voucher claim.
ments, which will be required when filing
a travel voucher.                                           DRIVE WITH SAFETY IN MIND
TAX EXEMPTIONS FOR COMBAT ZONE     Speeding on the compound has become a
			                              problem. Remember to slow down when on
     President Bush has declared the AOR a     the base
combat zone. Therefore, you do not have           Let pedestrians walk across the street.
to file your income tax for up to 180               They are not speed bumps to slow you
days after you leave the region and tax           down. Instead, they are your troops who
exemptions have been applied to your pay.     work with you and protect you.
    The extended tax deadline applies to
those who are receiving tax refunds or            CATCH THE BUS
owing the government money. All penal-
ties for late payments will be waived.                  KKIA's Transportation Squadron has
Additionally as of Jan. 17, 1991 all base         resumed bus runs to the local community
pay earned by enlisted members is tax            grocery store. To sign up for the bus
exempt Officers receive a $500 exemp-           runs you should read the Transportation
tion per month while in the combat zone.        Board.

     Debris from the Patriot and Scud mis-            You should not be bored any longer.
sires must be turned into EOD or your             The Morale, Welfare and Recreation office
first sergeant.        			    has set up a mini-television station with
    Patriot debris is property of the U.S.             the assistance of KKI Airport personnel.
government and Scud debris falls into the        The station, channel 6, is programming
category of war trophy, which is a pro-             movies and news brought to the base
hibited item under the Uniform Code of            through MOOR. There is no set time for
Military Justice. Individuals in posses-              the programming as of yet.
sion of either type of debris are in                         Presently, KKIA dorms C and B have the
violation of the UCMJ and are subject to           capability to pick up channel 6 on the
punishment.                                                      television. Dorm J will have capability
		                                              in the future.
                                                                         RETURN LINEN
     The collection rate of meal charges for
officers has changed to $4.30 per day                    If you posses more than one set of
from S4.90 per day.                                          linen then return them to Linen Exchange.

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