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File: aabip_03.txt
Page: 03
Total Pages: 4

    5. Personal Hygiene - To help avoid enteric diseases, along with
    what and where you eat, personal hygiene will help immensely.
    a. Wash your hands very often. Each time you get around water,
    take advantage of the opportunity to wash. Do not only wash before
    eating or after using the latrine, but especially during these times.
    b. Keep your fingers out of your mouth. Especially after
    shaking hands or touching public items such as hand rails, etc.
    6. Other Personal Hygiene Concerns -
    a. Washing the entire body will help prevent fungal infections,
    especially in the crease areas.
    b. Change your socks and underwear as often as possible. If
    changing is not possible or practical, at least remove your boots to
    allow the feet to dry. Remember perspiration will he intense, and
    foot funguses will be quite prevalent.
    7. Insects - Several insects are in the Middle East and should be of
    a. Mosquito - mostly around waterways. Malaria is in the
    country but not very prevalent.
    b. Sand Flies - Prevalence is very high and can carry several
    diseases which includes Leichmaniasis and Sand Fly Fever.
    c. Precautions that must be taken include:
    (1) The Permethrine Insect Repellent which is used on the
    uniform and will continue to work through 5 machine washings.
    (2) The new tube type cream insect repellent which works
    for 12 hours.
    (3) The stick repellent which is in the "A" mobility bag.
    (4) The "off" that is provided at the processing line until
    stock is exhausted.
    (5) Proper wear of the uniform is very important. That
    means rolling the sleeves all the way down and properly blousing the

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