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File: 110196_aacew_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 2

The Diseases: --- Usually water (food) or insect borne. Strict hygiene is

		Malaria, Leishmaniasis, Typhus, Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Cholera,
 		Traveller's Diarrhea

 Hygiene items you should bring:

	--- Toilet paper {lots} and papertowels
	--- Handy wipes (moist Towelettes)
	--- Talcum powder
 	 --- Skin cream - Zinc based - Desitin e.g.
 	--- Towels -
  	--- Papercups/utensils
	 --- Goggles/sunglasses
	 --- Sunscreen*
	--- Peptobismol*

 How to take antimalaria tablets:

	 1) Starting today and during deployment:
	 One chloroquine tablet per week (same day)

	 2) Following completion of deployment:
	 One chloroquine/primaquine tablet per week - 8 weeks (same day)
How to take anti- traveller's diarrhea medication: (For non-allergic persons)

 	1) Doxycycline (Tetracycline) - One daily at beginning of crew rest
 period to prevent diarrhea. ---Skin sensitivity with sun  
exposure in some persons---wear sunscreen and stop doxycycline 
for rashes.

	 2) Peptobismol - Follow directions on bottle---maximum 2 days
		 therapy---Darkens tongue and stools

 - . . .

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