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File: aacux_02.txt
Page: 02
Total Pages: 5


           Q:	At this December 20th briefing, it looks like there was a
            		very long session on the DW.

		[(b)(l) sec 3.4 (b)(2)]
            Q: 	Where we go into the whole business of ________________, but it
            		also looks, at that time, that the decision had not yet been
            		made to hit them. I wonder if you could discuss who made
            		the decision to hit the [(b)(1)] sec 3.4(b)(2)] bunkers?

            H: 	It's not a decision; it's a funny thing. That's a good
            		story.  The point papers start coming in. They are in the
		briefing:  Hit the bunkers.  Hit the bunkers.   The White
		Papers come out; one from America and one from Britain to
		talk about all life on the Arabian continent being wiped out
            		as a result of these strikes.

        		WelI, I looked at a summary of the papers, and I knew
            		immediately they were wrong because what they do is, they
		have the bomb going down, hitting the  storage areas; and
		then the stuff going out.  Well, everybody knows it's going  
		to go downwind.  Now is the questions of what.  Then you know
		intuitively that they have got one spore going to each
		person.  (laughter)  You know, equal distribution, 100 
		percent, because tat is just the way a green peace---

		I'm not against environmentalist at all.  In fact, I'm an
		environmentalist; but to make their argument, they 
		overstate.  I knew  intuitively there was something wrong
		there, but I wasn't trained or smart enough to attack the
		papers.   Of course they caused some great concern.  We knew
		it would be a subject when Cheney came--that and Scuds.



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