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File: aacux_01.txt
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           Oral History Interview of
           By: Perry Jamison, Rich Davis,
           and Barry Barlow, 4 March 1992
           HQ 9th Air Force, Shaw AFB SC
           Transcribed & Edited by:  Faye Davis
           H: ----Headquarters. Kaufman [Maj Gen Donald L.] had a suite
              of offices over there, and we set up at the MODA [Ministry
                of  National Defense] Headquarters and met with General Hamad
              and the Chiefs in Saudi services. Those meetings
                [(b)(l)sec3.4 (b)(6)]
              were still in the mode of being polite
                and drinking tea
                For example, we wanted to look at the National Command
              Center as a place to set up CENTCOM [US Central Command], a
                Joint headquarters, a combined headquarters. At first,
               Hamad wouldn't let us do that. He hadn't received 
 |              permission to do that. In their system, everything comes
               from the top down. [(b)(l)sec 3.4 (b)(6)]
			[(b)(1) sec 3.4 (b)(c)]

                What had happened was, Khalid had gone out of the room and
                called his dad, so Khalid understood. Khalid immediately
                became the guy to work with off line to make things happen.
                So whenever I really needed something, we would go see
                Khalid and set in his office and drink some cappuccino.
                Usually it would be Don Kaufman and myself and Khalid.
       Q:  Had you met him before?

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