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File: aacux_04.txt
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                  is what it takes. ___________  [(b)(l)sec3.4 (b)(6)]
                  		; therefore, here is what we are going to do.
                  first light, crack them, LGDs; put incendiaries in and put
                  gator mines in.

                                       [(b)(1) sec 3.4(b)(6)] 


                 I will take credit for this: I'm standing up there and a
                 flash of brilliance comes to me. I said something like,
                 "Well"--and I had some charts that fit 10 miles an hour
                 winds, the fallout areas--" I can't promise you we are not
                 going to have casualties in this. There has got to be a
                 penalty to a country that manufactures and stores these
                 horrible weapons. So if there is fallout and if there are
                 civilian casualties from this, maybe that point needs to be
                 made to all the other countries who conceive to do this."
                 That got Wolfowitz. Wolfowitz came up afterwards and said,
 I               "Okay, that point is valid." [(b)(5)]


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