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File: aacvj_01.txt
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                             BULLET BACKGROUND PAPER
                          SAUDI LOGISTICS SUPPORT ( U )
       - There are no known logistics limiting factors at this time.
       However, we have concerns about the availability of tank killing
       munitions and chemical warfare defense equipment
       - Logistics Readiness Center is checking the location of tank
       killing munitions and what it would take to make them available
       - The Joint Staff asked the Services to determine the need for
       additional chemical warfare defense equipment and to expedite
       procurement. This will require SAF/AQ participation
       -- AF/XOOTM checking availability across the Air Force
       for possible reallocation
       - (U) Personnel support is being provided by the Saudi hosts
            -- Host nation support (HNS) will be adequate for tbe
            force currently being deployed until intratheater lift is
            established witb CENTAF stocks prepositioned in Oman
            -- (U)Oman stocks can support about 11,000 personnel at bare
            -- Significantly more personnel can be supported if HNS
            continues to be provided
             -  No fuel problems bave been reported, but it is a concern
       because it is totally dependent on HNS
       - (U) Other problems requiring HHQ assistance may be included in
       the first CENTAF SITREP
       Lt CO1 McDonougb, AF/LEYX, [(b)(2)] 9 Aug 1990

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